
Nigella Express: Good Food, Fast Quotes

Nigella Express: Good Food, Fast by Nigella Lawson

Nigella Express: Good Food, Fast Quotes
"Most days, I approach cooking supper with less than absolute perkiness."
"Actually, the cooking itself is the least of it."
"I sometimes think how much easier things were in my grandmother’s day."
"I begin to see that repetition, too, has its virtues."
"I am not good at authority, even when that authority is my own."
"It’s never worth cooking anything for supper unless it can stand on equal footing with one of life’s great and simplest gastro-delights."
"Most of the best things in life are happy accidents."
"There is no such thing, to the cook or the eater, as Retro."
"Like all stews, it benefits by being cooked in advance."
"I have always loved the Alsatian version of coq au vin."
"I think of this as a curious amalgam of my two grandmothers."
"The thing about this recipe is that you do it in advance—it’s ice cream, so that stands to reason—but what you do in advance is negligible in terms of effort."
"You’re not worried about whether they’re having a good time, just whether everything’s going according to plan."
"I’ve done many versions of potato pancakes in my life, but this has got to be the easiest."
"I can’t quite believe how simple but how luscious these are."
"It’s absolutely true that throwing everything in a wok can be a very quick way to get supper on the table."
"This, then, is the shortcut version: no cheese sauce, but a gorgeously huge amount of cheese, bound with egg and evaporated milk."
"You must, though, serve a warm sauce with it—it’s the crowning glory."
"I don’t think I’ve ever written a book without a trifle in it, and I’m not about to start now."
"This is unlike anything else: The texture is soft set, so that you know it’s not a liquid but it doesn’t have the heft of a solid."
"I don’t actually think that all they eat in Mexico are avocados and tortillas, but somehow they seem to be exuberantly represented here."
"No Mexicans have been harmed in the writing of this chapter."
"I can’t think of any way of eating this that isn’t good."
"I have never seen any point in pretending to be other than one is."
"I have made the most of being a food obsessive."
"The fact that the flan takes around three-quarters of an hour doesn’t bother me."
"This is not a time of year when you want to forget the sweet stuff."
"The bourbon butter is not an optional extra: It is a reason for living in and of itself."
"You’d think this was designed to keep the children happy, and while that’s OK with me, adults find it particularly irresistible."
"I suppose this is the lazy person’s Christmas pudding."
"My sister Horatia and I have a strict no-presents policy for Christmas."
"Although it’s true this is the season of goodwill, it is also the season of colds and chills."
"What all recipes have in common is that you have to go shopping for them."
"It’s not hard to make a dressing every time you want a salad."
"I am lazy enough to be happy to buy them, but if you want to make your own, it’s not hard."
"The vegetables in your deep freeze are likely to have far more nutrients than the veg lying hopefully at the bottom of your refrigerator."
"I could go on, but I don’t want to be prescriptive about what you should or could keep in your fridge and on your shelves."
"I think a roast chicken is nearly always the main course you need: It’s much easier to come up with frills for before and after and alongside than to construct a fancy dinner party dish at the last minute."
"This is very, very good with a pan of plain steamed potatoes alongside and this really isn’t any work for you."
"Let joy be unconfined. This is the one of the most irresistible desserts I think I have ever made."