
The Bookshop Of Second Chances Quotes

The Bookshop Of Second Chances by Jackie Fraser

The Bookshop Of Second Chances Quotes
"Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. Two weeks since I lost my job – made redundant and turfed out of my office with no notice – and ten days since my husband Chris, henceforth known as ‘that bastard’, left me."
"Crying all the time is so boring. It’s a long time since I’ve had a broken heart and I’d forgotten how tediously dull it is."
"This time last year we went away. We stayed in a tiny cottage near Rye. Our eighteenth Valentine’s. We drank champagne and sat in front of an open fire and said things like, ‘Still here then!’"
"Because people who love their wives don’t tend to sleep with their wives’ friends, do they?"
"The thought of unpacking all of this into a storage unit and then one day packing it all back into the van and on to a mysterious and unknown home makes me want to cry and never stop."
"He’s left me his house," I say, rather stunned.
"I’m an adult, and from now on I’ll be doing everything on my own, but it’s still nicer to have company."
"I’m packed and ready. I just have to collect Xanthe, who is doubtless frantically rushing about, preparing Rob for a week alone with the kids, and then we’re off."
"It’s always fun to go on a road trip with a girlfriend. As long as no one gets shot and you don’t have to drive off a cliff, it’s all win, right?"
"I didn’t expect you to be so keen. It’s disconcerting."
"I’ve been to Whithorn Priory, Caerlaverock Castle and poked around Castle Douglas and Newton Stewart."
"The weather moves quickly up here; it’s unusual for it to rain all day."
"I feel strange and nostalgic, not necessarily for all the birthdays of my marriage, but for the years before that."
"I thought there must be some. But anyway, yeah, happy birthday, Thea."
"I like to learn things. It’s all very different from Sussex – I want to make the most of it."
"We should close the shop and go to the beach."
"There’s no point being up here if I don’t see the sights, is there?"
"I think one has to like people more than I do to be lonely."
"I used to run the Twitter account at the last place I worked. We had fifteen thousand followers."
"I’ve had less to drink than you, I could probably drive your car, eventually. Maybe."
"Imagine knowing the names of people in your family from the eighteenth century."
"The moon is three-quarters full or more and hangs above the bay, where the waves barely ripple, painting a wide silvery path towards us."
"It probably won’t kill me not to clean my teeth for once."
"I’m fairly confident this isn’t part of some kind of convoluted plan to compromise me."
"There’s salad for tea, and then I might watch a film. Something comforting but unsentimental."
"It’s just because I’m not used to… I know we’re often together – in fact, I spend far more time with Edward than anyone else – but we’re not usually alone."
"I’m not in the market for boyfriends, or gentlemen companions, or even just sex."
"I spend a lot of time poking about in the sort of place they have that kind of thing."
"You must do as you wish – you’re under no obligation to sell."
"I’m not sure how I’ve managed to create another version of him in my head."
"It’s dangerous to become too attached to people."
"I don’t want to jinx it. I want it to be fun for as long as possible."
"I can’t help feeling it’s some kind of prize for good behaviour."
"Won’t your brain fuse if you’re too pleasant?"
"Yes, you’d have missed out on all those girlfriends of Charles’s, quelle horreur."
"You don’t sound like you were the most emotionally intelligent young man ever to grace the streets of Edinburgh."
"I’m happy every day at the moment and keen to note it."
"I am not yet bored of this, despite his fears."
"I thought Christmas with children was meant to be magical."
"You have to make decisions, a series of decisions, before you end up in a situation where your wife’s looking at a photograph of your dick in someone else’s mouth."
"You can’t carry on like this. I’m sorry I tried to get you to behave like grown-ups when it’s clearly beyond you."
"That’s a terrible–" but then we’re kissing again, this time for ages.