
American Assassin Quotes

American Assassin by Vince Flynn

American Assassin Quotes
"Death was too open-ended a word for it. It left the possibility that some accident had befallen the person, and that was a convenient way to skirt the seriousness of what he was getting himself into. Executed was a far more accurate word."
"Enemies needed to be killed, and Rapp was more than willing to become the person who would do that killing."
"The game was changing. He had said it himself many times. They could not sit back and play defense, and in this ever more interconnected world they needed a weapon more surgical than any guided bomb or cruise missile."
"Great spies don’t complain about the rules, they find ways around them."
"He’d never quit anything in his life, and he’d never wanted anything anywhere near as bad as he wanted this."
"The greatest vulnerability for his side was a complete lack of air power."
"There was right and there was wrong, and in between an abyss filled with society’s whiners, people who had inherited the luxury of safety and freedom, while having done nothing to earn it."
"When you go to bed, you make sure your shit is ready. You lay it out on your footlocker so it’s ready to go. We start PT at five every morning."
"As much as I hate you idiots, the powers that be don’t want you ladies getting hurt until they see if you’ve got some potential."
"If you can’t take care of your business and get out here in sixty seconds, I’m going to have to treat you like a bunch of toddlers."
"The main thing right now is how you squeeze that trigger. Notice how I didn’t say pull. Don’t pull it. Squeeze it straight back."
"Retribution is a punishment that is morally right and fully deserved."
"If you intentionally broke another recruit’s arm that would be grounds for dismissal."
"You think there’s any rules out there, in the real world? Hell no!"
"I’m not here because I miss her. I miss my father, who died when I was thirteen. I miss my grandparents, and someday I’ll miss my mom when she dies, and maybe if I get to know you, I’ll miss you, too."
"Revenge is more wild, less calculated… deeply personal."
"We recruit our candidates from the best of the best and that means Special Forces and Spec Ops guys."
"Everything was analyzed and critiqued by Lewis and the old man."
"They honed their fighting skills with virtually every conceivable weapon."
"As a final step, Rapp and Fred were told that if anything went wrong they were on their own."
"Rapp took the tram to the Beyoglu District, found a men's room, retrieved a few objects from his luggage, and then deposited the suitcase in a locker and set about exploring the area."
"Rapp passed on the opposite side of the street and noted the bank guard standing next to the front door."
"He stood statuelike, all of his senses on high alert."
"Rapp finished the file and stuffed it under the mattress."
"Rapp secured the silenced Beretta in a shoulder holster and covered it with a lightweight blue and silver reversible running jacket."
"Rapp did fifty push-ups, followed by fifty sit-ups, and then stretched some more."
"Rapp looked at his reflection and wondered if he really knew himself."
"Rapp spent the rest of the afternoon hopping westbound trains until he crossed the Greek border."
"Rapp wheeled his bag straight into the reception area, which also doubled as the bar and dining room."
"Stansfield asked his security detail to prepare for the vehicular version of a shell game."
"Ivanov steered the conversation away from anything serious, and Svetlana steered her hands toward Sayyed's groin."
"The two men shook hands and made their way to ground transportation, where they took a cab to the harbor promenade."
"You are but a small vessel in a harbor packed with giant supertankers. Those supertankers bump up against each other sometimes, causing little harm to themselves, but to you it is the end."
"My grandfather sent me to find you. Drinks are being served at six sharp in the library. Jacket and tie are required. His rules, not mine."
"Because those supertankers don’t really care about you. They may lament your misfortune, but only briefly. The tanker, the ego of the captain, all comes before you."
"In my business one must take certain precautions."
"I am tied to you whether I like it or not, and if we are going to avoid being interrogated by our colleagues in the Federal Security Service, we need to clear your head and get you thinking straight."
"I will have everything prepared. I must go now. There is something urgent I need to attend to. Please call if you need anything else."
"You need to slow down or there will be problems."
"What’s there to be sure about? The man is a camel jockey. He is not smart enough to steal this money from us."
"I don’t wish to go to either the police or the press, but that is up to you, Herr Koenig."
"Please let me finish, Herr Koenig. I am not here to assign guilt. I am here to catch whoever took this money so we can get it back to its rightful owners."
"We’re not that different, kid. The idea of running away for good isn’t in our veins, but it’s nice to have options."
"You live to fight another day, or maybe you just disappear for good."
"All of that damn methodical, shitty training paid off in the split second it took Ismael to draw his gun and turn on him."
"A win is a win. It doesn’t matter how ugly it is."
"If you kill a cop I will kill you before they do."
"Sometimes working fast can be used to your advantage, but you had to mix it up, and they’d been moving at a pretty good clip for about a week."
"I make it a habit not to kill cops … that is, unless they are corrupt."
"The mind, Hurley knew, could only take so much before it simply opened up and let the secrets spill out."
"They said everyone eventually broke, but Hurley didn’t think of himself as everyone."
"Isolation was a standard interrogation/torture technique, and while it worked on most people it was useless on Hurley because of the simple fact that he really didn’t like people all that much."
"Hurley looked as if he had to think about that for a second, and then he nodded and said, 'That would be correct. I kill people like you for a living.'"
"I’m afraid I don’t. You see I’m a fucked-up guy. I’m not okay in the head, and I pretty much hate you limp dicks more than I love life, so this is gonna be a tough one."
"No false bravado here, Sayyed. I am going to fuck with you until I take my last breath."
"You see I’m a fucked-up guy. I’m not okay in the head, and I pretty much hate you limp dicks more than I love life, so this is gonna be a tough one."
"Only a weak man allows the weather to affect his mood."
"The mob was like some ancient god who needed regular sacrifices."
"You were rewarded for plotting, conspiring, and crushing your political and professional opponents, not for doing the right thing."
"I can’t care how good you are. Going over to Indian country on your own is a suicide mission."
"I’ve seen the way Stan takes badasses and grinds them up and spits out little pussies, so I’m guessing if you made it through his selection process you’ve got some serious skills."
"We’re not the Russians. We don’t kill women and children. At least not intentionally. Never forget that."
"This was either going to be the most spectacular success of his life, or the end of it."
"We’re going to get out of this. Washington is going to pay for your release."
"You should have killed me when you had the chance, you piece of shit."
"I gave the big FU to Washington and got us a little diversion."