
Thud! Quotes

Thud! by Terry Pratchett

Thud! Quotes
"But, as the dwarfs say, where there is trouble you will always find a troll."
"Sam Vimes shaved himself. It was his daily act of defiance, a confirmation that he was... well, plain Sam Vimes."
"If anyone was going to be using a blade near his face, it was going to be him."
"Ye gods, man! You could put someone’s eye out with something like that."
"Indeed, it was a troll," said another voice, almost the twin of that one, but with a little more assurance.
"He uttered a bad word under his breath, but only just."
"You mean you weren’t named, you were initialed?"
"Nevertheless, his lordship had said. Just ‘nevertheless.’ You couldn’t argue with ‘nevertheless.’"
"Vimes knew all the arguments for having different species in the Watch. They were good arguments."
"I can’t think of anything more embarrassing than a vampire who doesn’t know the first thing about being a vampire."
"On this day in 1802, the painter Methodia Rascal woke up in the night because the sounds of warfare were coming from a drawer in his bedside table."
"There are far more dwarfs than there are watchmen."
"The correct form of words is in the manual, Insert Name Here."
"How far down does ownership go, after all? And how far up?"
"One that would be unthinkable for a true dwarf."
"We do not often entertain. Please be patient."
"Eventually, the cow would be found. It was that much of a page-turner."
"Young Sam loved it, anyway. It must have been the most cuddled book in the world."
"In the city, the only sound those animals would make was 'sizzle.'"
"On the nursery clock, a little wooly lamb rocked the seconds away."
"I had a lettuce, tomato, and bacon sandwich, dear."
"And remember—as far as they are concerned, you can't see in the dark."
"You've laid rails? You must be shifting a lot of spoil, sir."
"You were raised in the good rock of Copperhead, were you not, Captain?"
"You don’t get the black ribbon just for signing the pledge, you know. And it doesn’t mean you stop craving blood. You just don’t do anything about it."
"Where’s my cow? Is that my cow? It goes baa! It is a sheep! No, that’s not my cow!"
"We need to know the truth, Vimes. Commander Sam Vimes’s truth. It may count for more than you think."
"You can take a dwarf out of the Dark, but you can’t take the Dark out of a dwarf."
"I regret to say that I found it necessary to deal somewhat strictly with them. I fear one might be dead."
"Because you’re a werewolf, only a vampire would dare to give it, right?"
"Do you believe in the healing power of crystals, young man?"
"You can always find an excuse that your side will accept, and who cares what the enemy thinks?"
"In the real world, it wouldn’t make any difference."
"But you were always too small, too weak, too shy to be a watchman. I can buy big and strong anywhere. Right now I need a man who knows how to hold a pencil without breaking it."
"Justice had to be seen to be done, so he’d see it done up good and proper."
"No one says ‘yes’ but you sure as hell didn’t say ‘no!’ loud enough."
"Magic has no place in coppering. We don’t use it to find culprits. We don’t use it to get confessions. Because you can’t trust the bloody stuff, it’s got a mind of its own."
"A good storm higher up in the mountains could bring house-sized rocks and half a stricken woodland down in the flood."
"It’s as if he had his own Summoning Dark in his head."
"I was referring obliquely, sir, to the fact that we are not precisely touching the ground anymore."
"Could we try braking?" said Vimes. "Look out! Haycart!"
"So that would mean a speed slightly above one mile a minute," mused Vimes. "Very good."
"Hooray, hooray, it’s a wonderful day, for I have found my cow!"
"And so we are under Koom Valley," sneered Ardent. "And what do we find?"
"‘Had’ra,’" said Bashfullsson, and the cube fell silent.
"We get to keep her on? Maybe. She’d been very useful, even Angua admitted."