
The Suite Spot Quotes

The Suite Spot by Trish Doller

The Suite Spot Quotes
"Sometimes it feels like she leads a charmed life."
"I’m going to transform those concrete pads into little pockets of wonder."
"I’m not going to make you pay your own way off-island when I’m the one asking you to be here," Mason says. "Consider it an employment benefit."
"Fair enough. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry about Piper. And Jess."
"Thank you," he says. "Let’s file this conversation as closed and build a hotel, okay?"
"Voorpret - Dutch - ‘the unique sensation of the pleasure of anticipation.’"
"I haven’t had a full-blown panic attack since the night I left Aquamarine."
"Reading is one of my favorite things. I haven’t done much since I got here because I’ve been pretty busy."
"Merak - Serbian - ‘the pursuit of small pleasures every day, which all add up to a feeling of contentment, fulfillment, and oneness with the larger purpose and the universe.’"
"I want to embrace body acceptance, but sometimes I also want to be thinner."
"He was going to say you look ready to take on warrior pose."
"It’s more deer camp than summer camp," Mason says.
"If someone is wearing one in the taproom, we know they’re a guest of legal drinking age and their drinks are free."
"Arbejdsglæde - Danish - ‘the heightened sense of happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction you get from having a great job.’"
"She’s from Florida, she has a real giraffe called Fred and a giant cat who sleeps in her room."
"Samar - Arabic - ‘staying up late after the sun has gone down and having an enjoyable time with friends.’"
"Forelsket - Norwegian - ‘the indescribable euphoria you feel when you start to fall in love.’"
"Ailyak - Bulgarian - ‘the subtle art of doing everything calmly and without rushing, while enjoying the experience and life in general.’"
"Tampó - Filipino - ‘when a person withdraws his or her affection or cheerfulness toward someone who has hurt them.’"
"Aspaldiko - Basque - ‘the euphoria and happiness felt when catching up with someone you haven’t seen in a long time.’"
"I’m working with the orchard on Catawba to make a peach wheat beer for the summer and I’ve got some stout aging in rum barrels from Grenada that will be a good fall seasonal."
"The lager and green tea ale are probably the best I’ve ever made."
"Matt was the mastermind behind Fish Brothers becoming a household name. For me, it’s always been about the craft and the science."
"The more activities we offer, the more likely it is they’ll return or tell other people."
"A prickly porcupine should have a prickly house."
"This is what makes brewing complicated and exciting. Every hop has a different flavor profile."
"I’m not sure they’d have ever guessed fermentation science, but they’ve been surprisingly chill about it."
"I’m not saying that’s where my desire to work in hotels began, but…"
"Ireland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and Czechia."
"I wanted to believe that Brian was the first guy who had any interest in me beyond sex."
"There has to be space for more than just work."
"I don’t think I’ll ever get over losing Piper, but you’ve pulled me out of a rut."
"You are beautiful and smart, and any man who doesn’t appreciate all of you doesn’t deserve any of you."
"But getting the wind knocked out of me occasionally when Maisie does something that reminds me of Piper is all on me."
"When I’m with you, I remember what it feels like to be happy."
"I would rather be with you than anyone in the whole world."
"You’ve turned my life upside down in the best way."
"When you pour yourself so wholeheartedly into doing something with soul, creativity, or love that you leave a piece of yourself in your work."
"You do the best you can and hope it turns out okay."
"When Mason Brown says those words, he means them."
"I don’t know where to put all that leftover love."
"If you ever want to come home, I will be here."
"I want to make this house—and Mason Brown—my home."