
Maybe This Time Quotes

Maybe This Time by Kasie West

Maybe This Time Quotes
"Working for the town florist was never my dream job. But money was money, and I needed it if I wanted to go to design school in New York. And I did. With all my soul."
"You’re preachin’ to the choir, honey. This is for the clients."
"She could sell honey to bees, Caroline always said."
"My boss had decided on the cellophane. As if the red confetti hearts sprinkled on the tablecloths or the pink and red balloon hearts tied to the chairs weren’t enough."
"Every Occasion was mainly a flower shop. But in a town as small as ours, Caroline took on the role of party planner as well."
"There is no way you are going to grow your business by thirty percent living here."
"I realized all these years, maybe I had been fooling myself."
"I’m not sure it’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted, but it was a good choice for tonight’s theme of … what was that word you used again? Tacky?"
"Just like you apologized for what you said about my decorations earlier?"
"When I went away to college, I had convinced myself, I would finally feel like I’d found my place, my people."
"Events were often spent putting out mini fires."
"Caroline might’ve thought assembling a hundred bags was a thirty-minute job, but it really wasn’t."
"I was hoping to use its contents to convince schools they wanted me. Especially since I had no design experience."
"Technology can't replace everything. Some things have to be felt."
"Everyone needs to bare their soul from time to time."
"She may not want to be a mother, but everyone has a mother."
"My biggest fear is that I'll never get out of this town."
"Micah had been serious when she told him that he now had a friend, and she was always good at following through on her declarations."
"You're worried about what I'm wearing when you should be worried about the rain."
"I thought you said you'd spent time in a small town before this."
"At the very least, lose your jacket and tie, roll up your sleeves, and call it a day."
"Just take a few petals at a time and drop them on that white aisle back there."
"I figured if I wanted to look nice, I needed to make the groom look nicer."
"I did it out of the goodness of your heart, right?"
"I guess taking pictures isn't the most important thing at events."
"Am I allowed to say that it looks like it's going to rain now?"
"Life has a way of turning us all into realists eventually."
"When I was a kid, I was scared of thunder. I used to think that thunder sounded like the whole sky was fixin’ to fall."
"I picked up my pace, jogging along the well-worn path that bordered the lake."
"You’ve never been on a paddle boat?" Gunnar asked with a laugh.
"I thought you still were," Andrew said dryly.
"No, now I’m scared of rich boys who take over local businesses."
"There’s not always a rhyme or a reason for fear."
"It’s a hard place to make it. It can eat you alive."
"I know! I told you, it was nothing. We both acknowledged that."
"He’s infuriating and arrogant and entitled and opinionated."
"Crap. You’re lying. If not to me, then definitely to yourself."
"I’m sorry, I just wanted to forget about it."
"Thinking about it now is only going to stress me out more."
"It doesn’t matter. That’s what I’m trying to say."
"There’s a difference between imitation and inspiration."
"I wasn’t sure if Micah and I had more to do on the roof, but I walked back toward the door like suddenly I was the one in charge."
"You didn’t have to act that way for my benefit."
"I know, he can be a jerk. But, Sophie, I have to work with him."
"I don’t care about words, Ms. Evans, just actions."
"I hated who I was around him—this insecure, small version of myself."
"You have stars in your eyes and a fire at your back."
"Maybe Jett’s right. Maybe this place would be better for your business."
"The stars are way better in the country. City stars are pretty lame."
"It’s because she doesn’t believe you can succeed, Sophie."
"How could I have forgotten? You will pay for this damage, Ms. Evans!"
"Walk away, boy, before you say something you regret."
"Pretty sure I’ve lived my whole life regretting the things I didn’t say."
"I thought I understood why he does what he does."
"Maybe I’ve been wrong … about a lot of things."
"Tradition was that every year on Thanksgiving, we went to the Williamses’ house."
"I watched them walk to the door and be welcomed in by Mrs. Williams."
"Maybe my inspiration had been in front of me all along."
"Seeing things for how they really were and not just how you wanted them to be."
"It's about two hours away." "I know! So close!"
"It really is the most exciting view of the night. You will love it."
"Now is the time to fail spectacularly. We have our whole lives ahead of us to try again and again."
"That Barn isn't going to clean itself," Micah said.
"It's okay. This will be my chance to work on a new song. You know I don't get any alone time at home."
"No more setups. But be open or you might miss something right in front of you."