
Finding Rebecca Quotes

Finding Rebecca by Eoin Dempsey

Finding Rebecca Quotes
"I was so scared, I just wanted to run out of the house and come up here or anywhere but I had to help her. She’s my mother."
"I never knew Rebecca was Jewish. Not that it matters to me."
"The government says that it was their fault that we lost the war, that they are enemies of Germany and are in league with the Bolsheviks."
"I loved her as a daughter myself, there’s nothing I want more than to see her back here one day, and if she was ready, with Christopher, sure."
"I had to open the letters to see if she was all right, and to get an address, I had to see…."
"Your father told me that you are trying to move on but please just let me know that you are all right, that you don’t hate me."
"You know me, I’m a survivor, and I am where I need to be at this time in my life."
"I love Berlin, but this isn’t the Berlin that I knew."
"I suppose I should leave you two to talk for a while."
"We do nothing, we stay here. We’ve nowhere to go, no place to be but here."
"I think time catches up on all of us sooner or later, Christopher."
"The truth of it was that he didn’t want to know and he had only found that out himself earlier that day."
"The feeling of hollow satisfaction he felt at seeing those suitcases was unlike anything he’d felt before."
"The ships were waiting in and outside the harbor, strewn across the water like leaves on a pond."
"You really are quite mad," he whispered. "I love you," she replied in a whisper."
"Christopher read down through the document, his pulse quickening with every line he read."
"I’m here to say goodbye. It’s tomorrow that I leave and…"
"There is no life for me without you. Don’t you see? This isn’t the end for us."
"We’ll be together again when all this is over and then nothing will ever come between us again."
"The only thing they could take away from him, the only thing he really cared about was those last few hours with Rebecca."
"There was no way they could have killed her as soon as she arrived at the camp, was there?"
"It’s amazing what years of conditioning and propaganda can achieve."
"I’ve seen close to sixty thousand die, maybe more."
"It’s up to men like you, dedicated SS officers, to provide the example these men need."
"But I think that I’d choose that over doing nothing."
"There’s no room for that here, where the most important work in the entire Reich is taking place."
"I apologize, Herr Rapportführer. I should have included you in any plans I made, it’s just that I know how busy you are, how much responsibility you shoulder."
"Don’t forget who the ranking officer is here, even if you’ve got your nose up the Lagerkommandant’s back side."
"We have been given full access to all personal property, lockers, closets and all other spaces to carry out searches for any contraband."
"I can’t take this. You did so well, darling. You did so well."
"What of these checks? What can my guards expect?"
"For every worker you kill, I have to find another and that means more work for me."
"She’s doing very well under the circumstances. She cries sometimes."
"I am just an accountant, and that’s what they needed."
"This isn’t life, Anka. This is just the absence of death."
"To forget what happened to them, now that is something to be guilty about, but living your life, truly living your life, is not."
"I have dreams where I'm shooting the prisoners, where it's me feeding the crematoria, it's me conducting the experiments and making the selections."
"I thought that bringing these animals to justice would make me feel better, so that I could at least sleep at night."
"I'm not going to push this. You know who I am now. You know what you want. Only you can choose what you're going to do."
"I feel like telling the kids about you all the time, and sometimes I do talk to Hannah about you. She feels as if she knows you."
"The only thing to counter pain is healing and the only way to heal is to let go of the hatred and to forgive."
"We all deserve to live the most wonderful lives we can."
"I was powerless as a victim. The SS guards and their dogs and the doctors in their white coats still had power over me, even though I was the one putting them in jail now."