
Lightning Strike Quotes

Lightning Strike by William Kent Krueger

Lightning Strike Quotes
"In the North Country of Minnesota, everything under the blaze of the sun sweltered."
"This was one of the ten milers required for their hiking merit badge."
"If he didn’t want that noose around his neck, it would have taken a small army to put it there."
"When someone you love leaves you suddenly, the hurt can run deep."
"You have to be careful not to make that hurt greater for them than it already is."
"What we believe about the spirit of a human being or the spirit of anything shaped by the Creator’s hand is only what we believe."
"We are the vessels of all their learning, all that they held sacred."
"Follow the crumbs. The trail will take each of you to the answer you are looking for."
"People can be pretty good at blinding themselves when they’d rather not see something."
"It’s hard to know what someone’s going through, the demons they wrestle with."
"The quiet of the morning was something he had almost entirely to himself."
"There’s a reason that we Ojibwe believe it takes a while for a human being’s spirit to find its way to a final place of peace."
"When Henry suggests you do something, there’s always a reason."
"In the end, he's still the arm of a system that has oppressed The People for generations."
"Nobody took these things seriously. The Ojibwe were different."
"I think about you and Cork, and I see so much beauty, too. We're lucky, you know."
"Remember what happened last year when we rented canoes to that group?"
"It's not just about legality. It's also about politics."
"Sorry for the lost love. Sorry for the great divide that separated the worlds on either side of the lake. And maybe sorry most of all for having seen Big John’s death from the beginning through a white man’s eyes."
"That’s an enlargement of a photograph one of my deputies took at Lightning Strike when we first went out there, after my son reported what he and Jorge had found. It’s one of the two knots on the rope that was used to hang Big John."
"He’s not there. They don’t know where he is."
"Now you know what it’s like for my people. We’ve been fighting for justice forever. If we’d given up when it was difficult, we’d be nothing but a memory now."
"He’s there and he’s dead. I shot the son of a bitch."
"You could call the Sheriff’s Department and ask."
"We may not have much, but one thing we Ojibwe have in spades is patience."
"Only when we have all walked the Path of Souls."
"He makes a difference. Get some rest tonight. Things will look better in the morning."
"I believe that, and I don’t understand how that spirit could’ve stood by while John got murdered. Guess that’s why I’m here. Trying to figure it out."
"I know what Henry says about the path to the spirit world, but I think when we go, we always leave something of ourselves behind."
"I should have taken her in. Given her shelter. Helped her find her way. Kept her from… from the wolves."
"But together, we help each other through. Alone, the darkness swallows us."
"We’ve got a responsibility to those who come to us for advice and for succor. Sometimes I feel so weighted I can barely breathe."
"I went to Henry Meloux a couple of days ago, seeking his advice."
"But what do I do? I marry a Swede. A rather cold race, if you ask me. Compared to us Irish at any rate."
"He wanted us to find that eagle, globe, and anchor. He was no Marine. He wanted us to know it wasn’t him who killed her. And he wanted us to find his killer, too."
"Better, I think, to open yourself to what each new day offers."
"In my experience, pain is never the only offering. What we receive depends on what we open our hearts to."
"Oh, Liam O’Connor, we are so much more than that."
"Every heart wants to find peace. In the end, that is the place the Creator takes us."
"What you are afraid you have lost, Corcoran O’Connor, is not lost at all. The joy of your friendships, of your family, of moments like this when our spirits touch, this will always be with you."
"When the journey ahead takes you to the darkest of places, the joy in these memories will be a part of the light that helps you see your way through. This I promise."