
City Of Bones Quotes

City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare

City Of Bones Quotes
"I'm not really sleeping with your mom, you know."
"I feel, that this evening DJ Bat is doing a singularly exceptional job. Don't you agree?"
"I'll get one of the security guards. You stay here."
"It's a girl. Surely you've seen girls before, Alec."
"Of course I can see you. I'm not blind, you know."
"You'd better get out of here, if you know what's good for you."
"I'm not going anywhere. If I do, you'll kill him."
"You're right. You can't go around killing people."
"That's not a person, little girl. It's a monster."
"I've called the police, you know. They'll be here any second."
"Valentine will never know. He said nothing about a girl. Valentine will not be angry."
"Do you think she'll ever wake up? It's been three days already."
"You have to give her time. Demon poison is strong stuff, and she's a mundane. She hasn't got runes to keep her strong like we do."
"Isabelle, you know it's bad luck to talk about death in a sickroom."
"I know. Little thing, isn't she? Jace said she killed a Ravener."
"Yeah. I thought she was a pixie the first time we saw her. She's not pretty enough to be a pixie, though."
"Well, nobody looks their best with demon poison in their veins. Is Hodge going to call on the Brothers?"
"I hope not. They give me the creeps. Anyone who mutilates themselves like that—"
"I know, Alec, but when we do it, it isn't permanent. And it doesn't always hurt…"
"If you're old enough. Speaking of which, where is Jace? He saved her, didn't he? I would have thought he'd take some interest in her recovery."
"Hodge said he hasn't been to see her since he brought her here. I guess he doesn't care."
"I guess she's alive after all." A sigh. "I'll tell Hodge."
"I guess I’ll need another one," he added, almost as an afterthought.
"That was quick thinking. What gave you the idea of using the Sensor as a weapon?"
"I can’t believe you buy that story, Hodge," he said.
"I’m not a little kid," Clary interrupted. "I’m sixteen years old—well, I will be on Sunday."
"This girl, on the other hand, hails from New Jersey."
"Are you just going to let her stand there and call me names?"
"Yes," Jace said kindly. "It’ll do you good—try to think of it as endurance training."
"When I found her, she was lying on the floor in a pool of blood with a dying demon practically on top of her."
"It’s those bridge-and-tunnel demons you really have to watch out for—"
"The Law does allow us to offer sanctuary to mundanes in certain circumstances."
"My mother doesn’t know any warlocks. She doesn’t believe in magic."
"Warlocks are born magic users. Witches are humans who’ve taught themselves a little magic."
"Most people don’t cry when they’re upset or frightened, but rather when they’re frustrated."
"We’re all out of bitter revenge at the moment, so it’s either tea or nothing."
"I don’t want tea," said Clary, with muffled force. "I want to find my mother."
"You could start by telling me a little about what happened," Hodge said.
"Normal people don’t generally find their homes ransacked by demons."
"If it had been a mistake," Hodge said, "and you were an ordinary girl, you would not have seen the demon that attacked you."
"It talked about wanting to eat me, but I think it wasn’t supposed to."
"I’m not your father, Clary. I’ve told you that before."
"I’ve got my own problems, I don’t need to be bothered with yours."
"Not everyone wants you all the time, Jace," he said.
"You’ll notify us if you experience any sudden memory resurgence?"
"I’m not interested. I don’t know where your precious Cup is, and I don’t want to get involved in your politics."
"I hate Valentine," he added, "but I respect him. I know he’ll mow down everyone in his path."
"You could try," said Luke, and slid off the desk.
"Consider this a friendly follow-up, Graymark," said the man with the gray mustache.
"You seem well enough," said Pangborn grudgingly. He set the Kali statuette down on the shelf.
"Filters are for cigarettes and coffee," Simon muttered under his breath. "Two things I could use right now, incidentally."
"The descent into Hell is easy." - Brother Jeremiah
"I enjoy the company of certain Downworlders at certain times and places." - Jace
"You could turn a mundane into a Shadowhunter. I mean, we came from mundanes." - Isabelle
"It’s life they want—not just your life or mine, but all the life of this world." - Jace
"Shadowhunters: Looking Better in Black Than the Widows of Our Enemies Since 1234." - Jace
"In your waking dream you saw it written." - Brother Jeremiah
"Sarcasm is the last refuge of the imaginatively bankrupt." - Clary
"I don’t see why I must understand anything. You tell me the truth, and I’ll either understand it or I won’t."
"It is easier to confront a threat as a mass, a group, not individuals who must be evaluated one by one."
"It’s easy, as a child, to believe in good and evil, in light and dark."
"There is nothing quite like the moral absolutism of the young."
"To love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed."
"There might be a God, Clary, and there might not, but I don’t think it matters."
"I’ve never seen an angel. Never even heard of anyone who has."
"Life stretches out very long when you never see the sunlight."
"The moral absolutism of the young, which allows for no concessions."
"It’s not a funny game where the worst thing that happens is you get a bad dice roll."
"This world was for humans, he argued, not part-demons."
"It is said that the Nephilim are the children of men and angels."
"He might grow to, over time, if he felt you were using him."
"You cannot hope to defeat me. Give me the Cup or die."
"That is true, I do feel guilt. We Shadowhunters live by a code, and that code isn’t flexible."
"Family, those are just the people who love you."
"I'm not entirely sure I could stop him if he wanted to do you damage."
"I thought you didn’t care about blood or their innocence when you killed them, did you?"
"That’s your mother Valentine’s talking about."
"I’m not going to kill you unless you force my hand."