
Don't Breathe A Word Quotes

Don't Breathe A Word by Jennifer McMahon

Don't Breathe A Word Quotes
"Sometimes you listen with your ears; sometimes it's like your whole body becomes this antenna and you pick up on everything."
"Nothing seemed to make sense until she'd written it out on paper, and nothing seemed accomplished unless she crossed it off."
"Life is full of coincidences—it's superstitious to assign meaning to every one of them."
"You'd rather hang out with Evie than him, so he's mad."
"The best thing we can do for this owl is euthanasia."
"Bad things happen and we’re never meant to know why."
"Opposites attract. They were all wrong for each other and he wasn’t her type at all, but somehow this made the attraction stronger, more daring."
"It's like the rest of the forest was holding its breath."
"If you knew where to look, there was a path the kids kept clear that led all the way down to Reliance."
"The woods had a rich, loamy scent that always made Lisa take deep, hungry breaths."
"Gerald, at least, didn’t have any illusions about being popular."
"I like ants," Pinkie said, looking at Sam, smiling.
"Lisa kind of admired Gerald for knowing just who he was and not pretending to be anything more."
"The woods didn’t feel like theirs alone anymore."
"They say that it can glow," Sammy explained. "Make strange lights."
"This is like one of those crazy Missing Persons stories from TV."
"Stories passed down in families aren’t always the truth. You know that."
"The girl is ordinary. The girl is dull. But she is kind, has a good heart."
"This is exactly what she would have expected from the other guys she used to date—the lowlifes whose big idea of communication was asking if she wanted to get high first or just go straight for the bedroom."
"I think it’s sweet that you want to protect me."
"The biggest lesson I learned that summer, the one I’ve carried with me my whole life, is that anything is possible."
"But what would she see when and if she finally caught up with him?"
"If anything, Evie seemed frightened of the girl."
"We're like this, and nothing's going to take that away."
"Rules are rules, love. I’ll call again when there’s news."
"I think there’s something wrong with me," she’d told Evie.
"Maybe there’s lots of stuff I don’t tell you."
"Is this part of the secret?" she asked. "Your mom and my dad—they were together once, right? Is he your dad too?"
"What’s done is done," she said, staring at Evie with a venomous look.
"I do, but what makes you think she’s even going to talk to us?" Phoebe asked.
"I’m sorry," Evie said. "I didn’t know this would happen."
"He’s not dead, he’s not dead, he’s not dead," she told herself, concentrating with all her might.
"I’m going back to the hospital later," Phyllis said, pushing food around on her plate.
"It’s pretty simple, really. See these dots—they stand for the word the. She’s dropped most of the vowels, used phonetic spelling."
"She’s talking about the fairies, Teilo, a magic door in Reliance."
"They’re keeping her so doped up she doesn’t know where she is. It kills me to see her like this; it’s like being gutted."
"One day, I’ll find a way to break the spell. We’ll get on our horses and ride away from here. I’ll use my magic key and save us both."
"The hanged man suspends serenely upside down, having let go of all worldly attachments."
"He understands change is coming and has opened himself up to it completely. It’s a card about surrender."
"Sometimes there are happy endings. Hansel and Gretel pushed the witch into the oven, took her treasures, and found their way back home."
"You can’t run from your own destiny. You can’t hide from Teilo, no matter how hard you try."
"She said that was the kind of girl I was—the kind who wasn’t careful, who would go into the woods with just any boy who asked."
"This house is nothing but a thick, tangled nest of secrets. You’ll see soon enough."
"The monkey thought ’twas all in fun. Pop! goes the weasel."
"You can’t change what’s happened. Or what’s going to happen. We all have our destinies."
"You know how sometimes, sometimes when you’re just sitting there, you catch this movement in the corner of your eye—just a shadow, really."
"He’s your son," Phoebe said. "Teilo is your son."