
Sunrise Quotes

Sunrise by Karen Kingsbury

Sunrise Quotes
"We’re dreaming, right?" - Dayne chuckled. His arm brushed against hers as they walked. "I keep asking myself the same thing."
"The house could stay empty for all I care." She eased her arms around his waist. "I only need you."
"Why’d you do it? drink a whole bottle like that? And right in our own house." - She pushed back from the bed, crossed her arms, and shook her head. "He knew this could happen."
"Let’s get married this afternoon." - Katy’s body reacted to his, and she almost dropped the teasing and told him yes.
"I love you." He kissed her again, but this time he was the one who stepped back. "For now, though, this—" he gave her a pointed look and exhaled hard—"will have to happen in small doses."
"I guess they’re ready for me to have friends." - John pulled his jacket tighter around himself and looked at the half-moon hanging over the Baxter house.
"Three favorite moments of all time." - Shawn grinned at the others. "We’re in the red zone now!"
"As long as you get your little girl." - Dayne gave a slow shake of his head. "I can’t imagine how it would feel, watching you have a baby and holding my daughter for the first time."
"They won’t let me win." - Ricky did a dramatic shake of his head. His eyes were open and filled with fear and frustration. "Every time I try they won’t let me."
"I love you." - He breathed the words against her face. They weren’t filled with the familiar desire but with a desperation, especially in light of all they’d been given, all they’d almost lost.
"You deserve her friendship," Ashley had told him later. "I understand."
"We’re doing this on purpose," Wilma allowed a quick laugh as though she was proud of what she was pulling off.
"You should’ve stayed when you came the first time."
"You might just be beyond help," she tapped into her phone and hit Send.
"Of course," Anger flashed in his eyes and left a trail of hurt. "The guys have been drinking since the season ended."
"I want that," he faced Jim. Then he pulled his cell phone from his jeans pocket.
"I'm proud of you," Jenny stood and went to him.
"If you can't teach the transition game, you shouldn't be here."
"He’d been right to pull her back to her seat."
"If he’s not hustling, it’s my job to get him into gear."
"They chatted for a few minutes about practical things."
"So when you get out there . . . play for Jesus."
"Every time he opened his mouth, he practically spoke in rhyme."
"You think you’ll always have the privilege of wearing the Clear Creek blue and gray because you’re an athlete."
"But if he’s thanking God, then of course he was real."
"He hadn’t touched a drink through high school."
"What Jim didn’t know, what he was too drunk to realize, was that Trent had been drinking too."
"Back then we didn’t have cell phones, no way to call home and find a way out of the stupid things people around you might do."
"He would live with the regret of that night forever."
"If I would’ve been sober that night, I could’ve driven Trent home. Maybe he’d be here beside me, telling you how dumb it is to drink."
"This team is going to be known for doing things right."
"She was more in love with Dayne than ever, more certain that their future would be everything they ever imagined."
"She couldn’t imagine sharing holidays and birthdays and the seasons of life with anyone other than Dayne, the Baxters, and the Flanigans."
"God, our team’s really messed up right now. We know how serious Coach is and how serious drinking is. Help every man on this team to live up to the contract we just signed."
"Don’t let me get pressured into anything, okay, God?"
"You’re scared. His voice was kind and soft again."
"It was hot in your house. Besides, out here in the moonlight I can see your eyes better, all the way to your heart."
"Everyone’s right about you. Those words you say aren’t close to the truth."
"I never should’ve come out here in the first place."
"You talk about God and faith and how important it is to you, and then you do... you do that?"
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past."
"I’ll be right back. I wanna show you something."
"It never ends. You try to be nice, but then the next wave of people wants the same thing."
"I can’t take credit. This went way too smoothly for that."
"I’m beginning to think there might be something to all that praying you’ve been doing."
"You’re a vision. It’s almost too bad the tabloids won’t get a look at this wedding."
"It’s going to be perfect, Katy. Wait till you see it."
"I keep thinking I should have glass slippers."
"Thank You, Lord. With all my heart, thank You."
"It’s starting to hit me. In a few minutes the show would come to life onstage."