
The Arctic Incident Quotes

The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer

The Arctic Incident Quotes
"The loss of her husband had had a profound effect on Angeline Fowl."
"His mother safely restored, Artemis Junior focused his efforts on locating his father."
"Angeline, distraught over her son’s obsession and afraid of the effects of the past year on Artemis’s mind, signed her thirteen-year-old up for treatment with the school counselor."
"Artemis sighed deeply, smoothing his dark hair back from a wide, pale brow."
"You have to feel sorry for him. The counselor, that is..."
"Artemis almost smiled. No doubt the doctor would treat him to another predictable theory."
"The problem is that you don’t respect anyone enough to treat them as an equal."
"Artemis’s voice was devoid of emotion, though his heart was pounding."
"Artemis was already somewhere else. A familiar electric buzz was crackling over his skin."
"Captain Holly Short fits neither of these descriptions."
"But if you took a closer look past the pretty face, into the eyes, you would see determination so fiery it could light a candle at ten paces."
"Sprites. They were all the same. Give a fairy a pair of wings and he thought he was irresistible."
"Holly drew her Neutrino 2000 from its holster, flicking the setting up to three."
"Artemis studied the camera screen. 'You’re right, of course. I will have to devise a plan.'"
"Captain Holly Short had decided to work a double shift and proceed directly to the surface."
"Artemis was bouncing ideas off Butler, a technique he often used when trying to come up with a plan."
"In spite of his ineptness as an investigator, Luc had a knack for laying his hand on whatever it was the client wanted to buy."
"Luc Carrère had shuffled into his apartment one July evening to find a small parcel lying on his desk."
"Opal Koboi had installed mole cameras in the LEP network when her engineers were upgrading their system."
"Artemis massaged the puffy skin beneath his eyes."
"That’s not how the LEP like to operate. Anyway, dead Mud Men don’t rat on their partners."
"Lucky for you, you’re expendable. Irish tourists on holiday, you’ll fit right in."
"My advice to you, big man, is to curl up in a ball."
"But I have no wish to add you to the list of lost negotiators."
"It means you have a leak," said Artemis holding his hands close to the cube’s warmth.
"But my father is so close, Butler. I can’t give up now."
"We’re not giving up, Artemis," she said softly. "We’re regrouping. There’s a difference. We’ll be back. Remember, it’s always darkest before the dawn."
"Foaly growled. She may have caught him off guard once, but it wouldn’t happen again."
"Opal Koboi had never had so much fun. The underworld was literally her plaything."
"I’ll kill him," exclaimed Root, pounding the control panel. "Can’t this bucket go any faster?"
"And then, together we will rid the earth of these tiresome Mud Men. That, my dear, is the future."
"Believe it or not, I almost miss that criminal. He had a way of insulting a person."
"I’d like to thank the Academy," giggled the dwarf.
"There, panted Holly. Two down. That wasn’t so hard."
"How was a bodyguard supposed to do his job when his charge insisted on jumping into bear pits, so to speak?"
"The real Butler was submerged beneath layers of adrenaline and brute force."
"It’s a trick! They’re trying to turn us against each other."
"Pixies are feisty creatures in spite of their size."
"Opal’s eyes flickered open. Holly shut them with a swift rabbit punch to the forehead."