
The Witch Hunter Quotes

The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker

The Witch Hunter Quotes
"I don’t know what they did; they weren’t my captures. But I do know there will be no apologies from them."
"Magic was seen as helpful—once. Then the plague came. Started by magic, spread by magic—we were almost destroyed by magic."
"People are frightened of magic, yes. But the consequences of magic frighten them even more."
"The streets are deserted, as they always are on a burning day."
"I don’t make mistakes. At least, I didn’t used to."
"There’s nothing a wizard can hide that I can’t find."
"I am commanded to arrest you for the crime of witchcraft."
"He’s right about one thing: There’s nothing here I need to see."
"I don’t know if it will work, because this thing is dead and maybe the dead can’t be fooled."
"The witch I chased down the alley who nearly got away."
"Whether or not you believed his rules to be fair." That’s where. "Yes."
"You’re safe now." Safe. It’s enough to remind me who my enemy is.
"It’s all right. You needn’t fear recrimination here. There’s no one here who will judge you, or harm you."
"The last two times we saw her, she said we had to find you—you, specifically—and bring you here."
"The thing is, Elizabeth, Gareth just came in from Upminster. And things there, well, they’re a little worse than they were three weeks ago."
"It’s the stuff of romance books. Who needs knights in shining armor or handsome princes when you have Ca-leb?"
"Magic isn’t something you can just stop. It’s who you are."
"Elizabeth!" Peter cries. "Are you all right?" Am I all right? No. Definitely not.
"This is a lot to take in. I think I’m still sick. Perhaps if I had a bit more rest…"
"The key to investing in fine objects for your home is to find artisans with as many disadvantages as possible. Greatly increases the value."
"You’re a witch hunter." I open my mouth, a denial on the tip of my tongue.
"It’s a damned good thing I am," I snap. "Otherwise you’d have some explaining to do. I could have lost an eye."
"You’re here for a reason." "Yes. Because your seer is naming witch hunters," I say. "So you can find them and kill them."
"Magic is against the law. You know this. Your lives depend on not doing it, yet you keep on. It seems to me that if he really wanted to help you, he’d make you stop."
"Elizabeth already explained that they’re not," Nicholas replies. "The evidence of that is clear. Were they still friends, he wouldn’t have left her to die in prison."
"It’s curious that you defend these laws," Nicholas replies. "Considering you yourself are a victim of them."
"You are no patriot, Elizabeth. You do us both a disservice by claiming it."
"I don’t seek to break laws. I seek to change them. I seek fairness. Tolerance. For everyone, regardless of the side they align with."
"Improbable," he says. He waves his hand once more, and they relight. "But not impossible."
"Your life in exchange for mine. A fair deal."
"I’m not going to hurt them," I say. "I don’t even care about them."
"Blackwell always told us to remember the greater game," I say. "The greater victory. It’s good advice. You should remember it, too."
"The things you describe, your experience, those were not simple spells or mere enchantments. The power it would take would rival my own."
"He led a life of lies," Nicholas says quietly, almost sympathetically.
"Use your judgment. That’s very important. Do what feels right to you, in whatever circumstance you find yourself in, even if it seems improbable or even impossible. And have faith. Everything else will follow."
"Stay off the main roads as much as possible. Stick together, but don’t travel in a group."
"If we find her, we’ll let Pace take care of her."
"I don’t like enclosed spaces," I say, finally. "Childhood trauma."
"I don’t know why he didn’t come back. I guess I should find out."
"How exactly did you become involved in all this?"
"You can’t go around putting herbs in people’s drinks like that. Each dose has to be measured exactly!"
"Just because I’m taking you to this party doesn’t mean I’ve changed my opinion about you."
"You expect me to just drop everything and run every time you call?"
"The only thing I can tell by looking is that he’s possibly the most attractive boy—living or dead—I’ve ever seen."
"She’s a violent, deranged, lunatic murderer!"
"I’m not going anywhere with you alone. I need him to protect me against you."
"We’ve got about twenty minutes before he comes to. Believe me, we want to be long gone before he does."
"They say whoever possesses it can never be defeated."
"Because I was afraid to do anything except live."
"Because I love you. And because being with you makes me feel free."
"I don’t hate you. Maybe I should. But I can’t."
"I was meant to do both, and you failed. At both."
"I want to thank you, Elizabeth. What you did for me, and for John. For all of us. It took a tremendous deal of bravery."