
Throne Of Glass Quotes

Throne Of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Throne Of Glass Quotes
"I will not be afraid. For a year, those words had meant the difference between breaking and bending; they had kept her from shattering in the darkness of the mines."
"After all, you aren't Adarlan's Assassin for nothing."
"I’d be pleased to own something as magnificent as you."
"Libraries were full of ideas—perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons."
"She had never been a docile girl; she had not been called Celaena Sardothien for nothing."
"But she had other things to think about as they continued their walk. Was she finally to be hanged?"
"It was a ridiculous request. But then, the entire world was a bit ridiculous at the moment."
"Names are not important. It's what lies inside of you that matters."
"No matter what happens, I will not let you die."
"Whatever the rumors are, it’ll all be forgotten in a week—just you wait."
"Beautiful ladies are always associated with the Crown Prince—you should be flattered that you’re considered his lover."
"Your face is much prettier when you smile. Girlish, even."
"This should be an interesting thirteen weeks."
"You’re just a man. But a man you should treat with the respect his rank demands."
"You have the skills, but some of your moves are still undisciplined."
"Let’s see if you can actually back up your swaggering."
"I am Celaena Sardothien. I am going to win. I will not be afraid."
"Adarlan could take their freedom, it could destroy their lives and beat and break and whip them, it could force them into ridiculous contests, but, criminal or not, they were still human."
"The sunlight shone through the doors, illuminating the Champion’s splattered blood like stained glass."
"I’m allowed to go to temple, but not to the feast?"
"You’re doing exactly like we planned," Chaol went on. "Though I’d hardly consider your valiant rescue to be entirely discreet."
"My dear prince, you’re alone in my rooms. The hallway door is very far away. I can say whatever I wish."
"I practiced." She stood, walking toward the door. "And yes," she snapped, "I was."
"Her Majesty is quite well, actually," Perrington said, leading Kaltain toward her rooms.
"I never took you for a superstitious person. How does that fit into your career?"
"You’re quite prickly tonight," he said, trailing her.
"I’m not alive, but my spirit doesn’t haunt this place."
"Everything has a purpose. You were meant to come to this castle."
"Something evil dwells in this castle, something wicked enough to make the stars quake."
"Courage of the heart is very rare. Let it guide you."
"You must win this competition and become the King’s Champion."
"You must listen to what I tell you. Nothing is a coincidence."
"Destroy it, before it is too late, before a portal is ripped open so wide that there can be no undoing it."
"I’m not married because I can’t stomach the idea of marrying a woman inferior to me in mind and spirit. It would mean the death of my soul."
"We all bear scars, Dorian. Mine just happen to be more visible than most."
"Why can't I be part of that? How can I call myself their princess, when such things happen?"
"For the flesh of the sacrifice, the beast will grant you the victim's strength."
"How can I call myself a man when I allow my father to encourage such unforgivable atrocities."
"She was a criminal—a prodigy at killing, a Queen of the Underworld—and yet … yet she was just a girl, sent at seventeen to Endovier."
"What is the point in being a princess of Eyllwe if I cannot help my people?"
"Even my grandson doesn’t eat his candy like this!"
"You look like a demon," said Philippa. "Just don’t open your mouth and no one will notice."
"I almost lost my arm—and more important parts—trying to put that bow on."
"Survive? Is that the lie she told you? She could have done anything to survive, but she chose killing."
"What a cunning liar you are! Almost as good as Perrington."
"Perhaps the time had come for him to start questioning his father."
"She enjoyed killing. She has you at her beck and call, doesn’t she?"
"I shall send her my contract whenever I get around to it. Until then, you’d do well to keep your mouth shut about it, boy."