
Not If I Save You First Quotes

Not If I Save You First by Ally Carter

Not If I Save You First Quotes
"Sometimes two inches of bright red fabric was all that stood between life and death, after all. Once you came to grips with that, cards were easy."
"No. Maddie didn’t know about any of that. Maddie only knew that they used to be friends, and she looked like maybe that was a decision she might have come to regret."
"Maddie knew that as soon as she opened her eyes, she was going to see a ghost."
"Fear and Maddie went way, way back, but she’d never seen her father look quite like he looked then."
"This was their home. This was their life. And any life that came before was nothing more than a very elaborate dream."
"But Maddie was never going to be most girls, she remembered as she jerked the hatchet from the tree and thought about maybe trying it from farther away. Maybe with her left hand."
"But it turned out she didn’t have to see him to know him. She just had to hear the words, "Hey, Mad Dog.""
"Days are just short in Alaska at the beginning of winter."
"Maddie still had that dress. Or parts of it."
"It was always warmer up where she slept and safe away from any animals that might come calling in the middle of the night."
"Maddie’s cheeks were wet then, and she reminded herself for the millionth time that she was never going to cry over Logan."
"There’s a certain kind of noise that people make when they’re trying not to make any noise at all."
"The truth was, Maddie was the kind of tired that sleep couldn’t really fix."
"Maddie wasn’t sure which one scared her most."
"Maddie knew what she had to do. The Secret Service had sent two agents with Logan. Soon they’d be wondering why Rascal hadn’t returned. They’d need to check in, touch base. They would be coming. Soon."
"There were two predators in these woods, and Maddie wasn’t sure which one scared her most."
"But trouble was Maddie’s family’s business, so she did the only thing that made sense: She followed it."
"But most days, Maddie’s world was silent except for the sound of birds and running water, chain saws and the crack a tree makes just before it falls."
"Voices didn’t belong in that forest, but when Maddie heard them, they sounded like music."
"Because the voices meant Logan was still alive."
"When Logan shouted, 'I just got her back!' something inside of Maddie froze."
"Logan is alive, Maddie thought again, and for the first time in hours she really let herself breathe."
"But no. It was more than that. Logan was going to kill the man who’d taken him."
"Maddie might have felt sorry for him if she hadn’t lost her own best friend years ago."
"He took a big bite of his bar and turned to keep on walking."
"Maddie made herself stay in the shelter of the trees, listening. Watching."
"Dear Logan, I’m very sorry to hear that you are in a coma."
"Maddie’s throat didn’t hurt. Not even a little bit."
"She made herself stay in the shelter of the trees, listening. Watching."
"Someone has to come help, she wanted to scream."
"But there are things you tell yourself. And there are things you know."
"But that’s okay, she thought. I’m usually enough."
"I’m the only person for twenty miles in any direction."
"You’re not going to hurt her!" Logan shouted.
"You know who he was when he was hanging around with your dad. You know who he is when the cameras are rolling. When the cameras aren’t rolling …"
"It means that if I’d been just a little smarter, I could have stopped them before your dad got hurt. And if your dad hadn’t gotten hurt, then maybe …"
"You’re Maddie Freaking Manchester. You used a bear trap on a really ticked-off Russian. You can start a fire."
"But I know from personal experience that when your only friend leaves, sometimes the best thing you can do is try to convince yourself she never existed."
"Do you think I wanted to go? If you really read my letters, you would have known ... You would have known how it was."
"I’m sorry if my letters were such a burden to you. I’m sorry I was anything to you."
"Of course not. That would be a terrible way to die. Your hair would be stuck like that. Probably forever."
"I missed those, too. I missed them more than I can ever say."
"It’s okay, Mad Dog. Just drop the gun. It’ll be okay."
"It’s gonna be okay," Logan said, knowing that Maddie was more than capable of doing the math.
"You were careless, Stefan," Uri snapped. "You never should have let me live."
"Anywhere can be Russia. Besides, I took your prince."
"And then I’m going to tell you a story," Stefan said.
"That’s okay," Maddie said. "I’m kind of used to saving myself."
"You’re the president’s son! If something happens to you, there could be war, Logan."
"You never know when you might meet a bully," Mr. Manchester had said.
"Well, because, (A) the Secret Service agent you’ve been obsessed with for six years doesn’t have a dead daughter. He has an awesome daughter."
"If you leave now, you can catch them. Stop them."
"You’re my girl," he said, and then he kissed her, right there in front of their school and his Secret Service detail—right in front of the world.