
The Eagle Has Landed Quotes

The Eagle Has Landed by Jack Higgins

The Eagle Has Landed Quotes
"They put so many in this little boneyard over the years, people aren’t planted in earth anymore. They’re buried in human remains."
"Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey over there in the winter."
"He was a good lad, Werner. A good lad. They shouldn’t have done that to him."
"War always is, Mr Higgins. Man at his most cruel."
"You know, I thought your name was familiar. Didn’t you write a book on the Ulster troubles last year?"
"The local history of this area happens to be a personal interest of mine."
"I’m sorry, that was damned clumsy of me."
"I was beginning to take the whole damn thing too seriously."
"So, it is settled. You are prepared to accept this duty your Führer places on you?"
"I pride myself I can always tell a thoroughgoing bastard when I see one."
"In spite of everything I’ve said, I also think it’s worth a try, this thing."
"I’ll shoot the first man that touches a drop."
"It's simple. There's a chance to get out of here. A special mission."
"That's exactly what I mean. But it's volunteers only. A personal decision for every man here."
"You'd be dead, naturally, so it wouldn't matter."
"The Reich and the Führer demand an absolute and unquestioning loyalty and those who give less than this must accept the consequences."
"I would be dishonest if I led you to believe I have any influence in the matter."
"Maybe the morning was not going to turn out to be such a dead loss after all. It might even prove to be quite entertaining."
"‘All right,’ Garvald said. ‘I know all you bleedin’ Micks are cracked. You needn’t rub it in.'"
"‘And I believe that, too,’ Garvald said. ‘Take that coat off, for Christ’s sake. You’ll ruin the bloody carpet.'"
"‘Is that all?’ Garvald was still smiling, but his eyes were watchful."
"‘What are you going to do, start the Second Front on your own or something?’"
"‘He’s on to something, Reuben, boy,’ he said softly. ‘Something nice and juicy.’"
"‘But why the Army vehicles?’ ‘Lots of possibilities there. Could be almost anything.'"
"‘You’ve got the cheek of the Devil, you know that, Murphy?’"
"‘If he harms her, I’ll kill the bastard. I’ll kill him.’"
"‘It’s all in how you fly them, not in how fast they go.’"
"‘You could tell ’em he was always sticking his hand up my skirt and trying to feel me.’"
"‘It means, girl dear, that if you don’t get that pie out of the oven and on to the plate this instant, I won’t be responsible.’"
"‘You see,’ he said. ‘Not much difference between Arthur and me when it comes right down to it.’"
"‘It’s a good thing I haven’t a criminal turn of mind for I could be making a living at this sort of thing and that’s a fact.’"
"‘Would you have me in my grave so early?’"
"‘You rogue,’ she said and leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek in genuine affection. ‘I sometimes wonder how you’ve survived so long.’"
"Get the bloody door closed or you’ll have every copper for miles turning up to see what the light is."
"Like hell I do. You carry me into any casualty department in this country with a gunshot wound and they’ll shout for the coppers so fast you’ll think you’re standing still."
"Leave him where he is. Just cover him with one of the tarpaulins for the moment."
"You mean Das? He’s in the abortion racket, Ben. No good to you."
"You’re freezing. Get on over to the house with you and build up the fire."
"Yes, very bad. He needs a first-rate surgeon, if he is not to be crippled."
"That’s pure IRA. No, my left ear’s twitching about this one, Fergus. I think we could be on to something."
"How in the hell am I supposed to be fighting, anyway?"
"I can’t tell you how sorry I am about this whole unfortunate incident."
"Call in at the armoury and draw a couple of Browning Hi-Powers. This character shoots first and asks what you wanted afterwards."
"Right, you bastard, let’s see if you’re as good as they say you are."
"I thought the Greek Islands and Yugoslavia were your stamping ground?"
"Remember it will be dark by six to six-thirty. We have only to look busy until then."
"It’s a pleasure to meet you. Never expected anything like this."
"You see, all we have to do is to hang on until this evening as arranged, and the prize will still be ours."
"He plays very well indeed. Bach needs to be played well."
"I’ll cool you down before I’m through, I promise you."
"I know one thing. My fingernails will be down to the quick by nine tonight."
"When it comes right down to it, anything I need doing right, I’ve got to see to myself."
"By now you’ll know the worst of me, but try not to think it. To leave you is punishment enough."
"What kind of man? That’s simple. A special breed. The finest fighting men that ever walked the face of the earth."
"I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t help myself."
"No buts about it. Today's my day for playing hero. Now get to hell out of it, all of you and that's an order."
"At least I'm not losing any blood. My mother always did say I had the luck of the Devil."
"He’s a brave boy. He didn’t even hesitate. He jumped straight in. That takes courage and courage is something that never goes out of fashion."
"I will never, to the end of my days even begin to understand my fellow human beings."
"In wartime, people can be made to do as they are told, it’s as simple as that."
"I don’t know what you’re getting so worked up about anyway, Preston. It’s the Tower of London for you without a doubt."
"Because he is a very perceptive young man who suspects I’m going to need it as much as he does."
"I worshipped Joanna Grey. Oh, not in any silly superficial sexual way."
"Whatever else may be said, he was a fine soldier and a brave man."