
Paradise Valley Quotes

Paradise Valley by C.J. Box

Paradise Valley Quotes
"He doesn’t kill them right away. He likes to make videos of himself while he does it to watch later."
"I’ve been waiting four years for this. I can’t screw this up."
"Because if you do, I won’t even mess with higher voltage. I’ll go straight to button number three."
"People in small towns loved to talk about knuckleheads like her—city types who didn’t have the sense not to run out of gas in the most remote and least populated corner of the entire state."
"We forget there’s a great big world out there."
"Avoiding a situation doesn’t solve the problem."
"Maybe you can go lose some weight and climb out through that window yourself."
"If he doesn’t blow your head clean off I’ll follow you. How’s that?"
"We can’t bring back those fine officers, but we can make sure nothing like this happens again."
"I’m just here for my things," Cassie said. "I’ll grab them and get out."
"He kept saying, ‘It just ain’t right,’" Cassie said.
"It’s pure power politics and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t pretty damn good at it myself back when I was rising through the ranks."
"A lot of times our biggest problem is we get focused too tight on a suspect or on our own stomping grounds."
"The only sound inside the small structure was when the wind rattled something above the rafters or on the roof."
"If you find Kyle, you don’t have to make him come back."
"That’s how you get wisdom. It isn’t from school papers about diversity and gay rights and that sort of thing they teach these days."
"It was a tougher subject to discuss but that didn’t seem to affect Lottie."
"It had been nerve-wracking driving on fumes."
"You’re looking at the Carter County Justice Center."
"I’m waiting to find out what the DCI concludes from their autopsy and investigation."
"If you find yourself in Ekalaka you are coming here for a reason."
"It was easily the creepiest thing I’ve seen since I’ve been the sheriff here."
"I’ve got every right in the world, cousin. It’s called probable cause."
"Relax, back there. We’ve got a long way to go."
"Everybody knows Mrs. Verplank is gone and here I am sitting at dinner with a nice looking lady."
"I think all he needed was stitches on his leg."
"I’m just trying to help out Lottie Westergaard and Clyde Johnson."
"I’m at a real loss here doing this as a private citizen."
"I didn’t want to leave with Raheem still gone."
"That’s a weird one. I guess I never really thought about it that way."
"I’m trying to gather as much information as possible as well as rule things out."
"You’ve got to figure out a way to come out on top again."
"I can’t wait for a joint task force to get up to speed."
"I don’t want to give him false hope that we’ll find those boys."
"I’m sorry to call you on your personal cell phone to request a meeting."
"I used to joke that nobody in Carter County knew how to dial the numbers nine-one-one."
"What brings you to town? Here to see the dinosaur museum? This is dino country, you know. Bones everywhere."
"This is Sheriff Verplank. You’re calling my cell phone."
"I’ve got some questions to ask you if you don’t mind."
"You’ve never been to Yellowstone before, have you?"
"Cody told me your dad was the best outfitter and guide in the Yellowstone region."
"The same folks who wouldn’t even look for him."
"I’d blow your head off but I don’t want to do any more damage to the cabin."
"It's like they're boys going on a camping trip."
"Sometimes you just have to tell women things even if you don’t really mean it."
"You people don't fuckin' deserve a man like me."
"You got it," Ron said. "We'll hear 'em coming long before they get to the cabin."
"I'm not gonna tell him you were watching his every move when he went outside."
"Don’t do something that will get either of us hurt."
"The mountains looked so cool when we came in to land."
"It just doesn’t seem like a very efficient way to run an airline to me."
"Maybe next time I go to town I’ll buy her some ice cream. That ought to keep her happy for a while."