
An Anonymous Girl Quotes

An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks

An Anonymous Girl Quotes
"A LOT OF WOMEN want the world to see them a certain way. It’s my job to create those transformations, one forty-five-minute session at a time."
"True change requires more than the tools I wield."
"I don’t fear strangers, though. I’ve learned more harm can come from familiar faces."
"Sometimes I wish I lived closer so I could help my parents. Other times, I’m ashamed at how grateful I am that I don’t."
"People are motivated to break their moral compasses for a variety of primal reasons: survival, hate, love, envy, passion. And money."
"The idea of another session tomorrow doesn’t seem daunting anymore."
"I didn’t realize how hard it was to engage in that charade until I wrote about it in this morning’s session."
"It’s the one time of year when they seem to truly relax."
"If they knew I gave up on my dream of working in theater, it would be like they’d have to give up on theirs."
"I wonder if Dr. Shields will need me enough in the next month that I’ll be able to surprise my family with a trip to Florida. Or maybe it’ll be better to save the money in case my father can’t land a decent job before they use up the buyout fund."
"Every lifetime contains pivot points—sometimes flukes of destiny, sometimes seemingly preordained—that shape and eventually cement one’s path."
"Your secret will be kept in confidence … if all goes well."
"Presenting an unremarkable facade to the outside world is the norm; superficial conversations comprise the majority of social encounters."
"The intellect does not reign supreme in matters of the heart."
"The symptoms of anxiety typically include perspiration, a spike in blood pressure, and physical restlessness."
"When an individual trusts another sufficiently to expose the true self—the deepest fears, the hidden desires—a powerful intimacy is born."
"In every lifetime, there are pivot points that shape and eventually cement one’s path."
"You may have given up your dreams of theater, Jessica, but you have earned a starring role in the next act of this unfolding drama."
"Assault. I’d never thought of it like that. But she’s right."
"I swear, this is the best thing I’ve ever eaten."
"You’re doing the right thing. A client’s privacy is sacred."
"I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, gorgeous."
"The joy—the sense of completeness it can offer a person—is directly proportional to the amount of anguish one experiences when that love is withdrawn."
"If you need to ask that question, then you probably already know the answer."
"I feel like I'm crossing a threshold from which I won't be able to return."
"I can't explain it, but you're right about one thing: It is an act when I'm with her."
"Sometimes a simple gift is actually a vessel utilized to issue a warning shot."
"The important thing is to ensure that he won't do it again. You understand, right?"
"You have no idea what you would destroy if you did."
"A secret is only safe if one person holds it."
"Thomas is a cheater and a liar; strange traits for someone married to a woman who is obsessed with morality."
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."
"A part of me wonders if I should anonymously send the photos to the investigator, and let the chips fall."
"When it comes down to it, I’ve only got myself to rely on."
"I understand. What are your plans for today?"
"The tension stored in my muscles eases slightly as my thought process continues along a reassuring path."
"Perhaps he will be the one who will finally enable you to experience true love. Not the storybook version. The real kind, which sustains through phases of dark, until the return to light."
"The impact of the realization feels like a physical blow."
"You hold so many disturbing secrets, Jessica."
"All of your revelations are reviewed again, this time through a new lens."
"Your life could be destroyed if they were released."
"You might be so focused on your own self-interest that you are ignoring the wreckage you are leaving in your wake."
"Are you getting the deep, dreamless rest you so desperately need, Jessica?"
"She would have been the most wonderful mother."
"How it is possible that you look younger every year, Cynthia?"
"Because despite all of our superficial differences—in age, socioeconomics, educational levels—the most important pivot points in our lifetimes eerily echo."
"It’s remarkable how the simplest of decisions can create a butterfly effect; how a seemingly inconsequential action can cause a tsunami."
"But the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle, the one I was sure I’d seen in April’s file but couldn’t pinpoint, remains elusive."
"April knew from the moment we met that she’d slept with my husband."
"I have something each of you desperately needs."