
The Investigator Quotes

The Investigator by John Sandford

The Investigator Quotes
"Piece by piece, one distraction at a time, the young woman cleared her mind; no more odors, no more bugs."
"Now, with an empty mind, she’d gone from being a lump to invisible."
"As a graduate of a heavyweight West Coast university, with a master’s degree in something useful, combined with her cool reserve and the way she dressed, Letty was different."
"But to get to the heart of the matter, did you find anything?" Colles asked.
"If it was all Tallahassees, I might have decided to stick around."
"But you’re more than that, aren’t you?" Colles said.
"A form of meditation, working with your tools."
"I borrowed a quarter-million dollars from my father and bought eight thousand shares at $31.11, a dollar up from the bottom. I sold out at $67.20."
"She had about as much effect as a match in a forest fire."
"I really don’t want to hear any shit about it, Ed. You tell Marky I want it up and running by tomorrow morning, or I’ll know the reason why it isn’t."
"Since Vee runs the company and has about a billion dollars and, sometimes, a bad temper, I decided I’d cooperate every way I can and give you everything you need."
"I’m telling you, I looked everywhere and I can’t find a leak."
"My personal opinion is, if we’re missing oil, it’s paperwork somewhere along the way. Somebody’s accountant is stealing it."
"I’ve known Boxie for twenty goddamn years, since we were both working outside. I can’t believe he’s stealing it, but… where is he?"
"We need to find a way to amuse yourself. I gotta think."
"Not one guy—he’s got expenses, got people he’s got to pay, shipping costs, power for the pumpjacks, and all that. Be lucky if he was clearing fifty thousand before this big bump-up."
"You don’t know shit. You must be cruising on looks alone, honey, because you got no idea what you’re talking about."
"The only thing you’re gonna be fuckin’ is some hairy-butted old biker in the state pen."
"When at first you don’t succeed, say ‘Fuck it’ and go home."
"Does ‘unresponsive’ mean the same as dead?" "Yeah, pretty much, except we could still get in there and harvest some organs."
"You’re moving, Letty. But take care. I grew up in Oklahoma oil country, and it can be rough out there."
"If you’re in the neighborhood?" "I’ll call Casey and tell her you’re waiting, watching the gun."
"Gonna be a while before Tanner can get around, he got ripped up good."
"I’m falling back into shitkicker talk. I said, ‘free eats’ and ‘right comfortable.’"
"I can’t talk to you," he said, holding the cell phone against his chest to muffle the microphone.
"If you’re not thinking gourmet, I’m told we could walk a block or so to a pizza joint."
"He was shooting at us and I had to put a couple of hasty shots out there, hit him in the legs, I think."
"This is bad shit, Letty. This isn’t for us anymore. Not running on our own. We need to bring in the FBI and the ATF. A whole team. Maybe a SWAT squad."
"All said and done, I’ll be at your garage door at ten o’clock."
"We need to bring in the FBI on this, and ATF," Letty said.
"Can’t see it, the way the Jeep’s parked. We really need to know who she is… if it’s Jael."
"Blowing up an I-beam seems like a very specific want," Letty said.
"Covering your ass won’t cut it, if they blow up El Paso," Letty said, as they walked across the parking lot to the hotel.
"It’s like a fuckin’ nightmare," Letty said. "One of those where you’re trying to find your school locker and you keep running from one to the next, and it’s never yours."
"We’ve got a hundred and five, to a hundred and ten, militia here," Letty said. "Counting the seven at the highway barricade…"
"Letty, don’t take any chances, goddamn it. If you get killed down there, your old man will be all over me," Colles said.
"If you fight me, I'll kill you both. I can't miss from here."
"We could be attacked from the east, by our own people, and from the west, by the people in the caravan."
"I’m not giving you a choice. You’ll find a way unless you want to go to federal prison for the rest of your life."
"We’re hoping to convince these people to let us go peacefully, after we stop the caravan."
"I’m about ninety percent sure they’re going to blow the fucking bridge."
"They might be planning to shoot those folks."
"We’re willing to die if we have to. We won’t go alone."
"Gotta make hay while the sun shines, and right now, it’s shining."