
I Heart New York Quotes

I Heart New York by Lindsey Kelk

I Heart New York Quotes
"Can you put weight on around your head? Have I got muffin top on my scalp?"
"I’m always struck by how short wedding ceremonies are. The months of engagement, hours of planning, a whole weekend for the hen do even, and the lifelong deal was done inside twenty minutes and a couple of hymns."
"I had a fun job that was flexible, I had Louisa, the best friend in the world, and I’d lost twenty pounds for this wedding, which had put me comfortably in the size twelve bridesmaid dress."
"If women glow, men perspire, and horses sweat, right at that moment, I was one sweaty bloody horse."
"I hadn’t thought that far ahead. ‘When will you be going home?’ she said slowly. ‘I–I don’t have a home,’ I said, equally slowly."
"Aren’t you feeling lonely? You should go home and confront things, the dark room whispered."
"I wasn’t horrible to look at, long, light brown hair, greeny-blue eyes and since I dropped the extra weight, I’d discovered a pair of fairly impressive cheekbones."
"I woke up just as suddenly as I’d fallen asleep. Having more or less passed out, I hadn’t drawn the curtains and August’s sweaty sunlight streamed through my window, demanding I get up immediately."
"After a nap, a shower and several false starts at international dialling from the hotel room phone I finally did what I had to do."
"And so I sat on the loo and pissed in the bag. It was the most disgusting thing I’d ever done, and I was so so proud."
"You can never get a fuckin’ seat in this fuckin’ place. Fuckin’ bloggers."
"Just thinking out loud. You can never sit down in a Starbucks for all these cocksucking bloggers posting their whiny diatribes about how shitty their lives are. No one cares, people! Go find some real friends to talk to!"
"You buy a lot of children’s book writers drinks?"
"Just you and JK Rowling, if I ever meet her."
"And I mean, who looks that amazing and needs man help?"
"I don’t think I’ve ever had after work drinks."
"I’m a freelancer so I work from home most of the time."
"I’ve never had a break-up to get over before. Maybe I’m just really really good at it?"
"You so need to get back on the horse, Angie."
"Everything is such hard work, everything is so expensive, the Tube costs about five times as much as the subway, and when I get home, I just feel like I need a shower right away."
"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life."
"You’re not the only person who has a big scary break-up story."
"Life is rarely as simple as it looks on paper."
"It’s just an online diary, a blog, but, oh, I don’t want to jinx it."
"I love New York, but I don’t know how you can leave London. It’s such a great city."
"I know you said you wanted to be a proper writer and now you are."
"I can’t believe you’ve managed all this in a week. I guess I’m just not a risk taker like you."
"He leaned in towards me again, pushing me back against the wall, and kissed me hard."
"Despite Jenny’s insistence that it was absolutely fine to date two men at once (and blog about it), it still felt a bit weird going out with Tyler less than twenty-four hours after seeing Alex."
"It’s the whole thing about them being so passionate about something that they had to write a song to express it. It’s the same with artists, writers, maybe not bongo players."
"I guess not, but anyone who knows you will know what’s real and what isn’t."
"I think it’s good when people are close to their parents."
"I can’t help but think you’d look better out of it though."
"I love that it was cute. Patronizing, but very sweet."
"I’ve had girls break up with me, sure, but I’m not sure I could honestly say I’ve had my heart broken."
"I didn’t think British people did shit like that."
"I just don’t know why you can’t tell me when your flight is."
"You know how I feel, but I won't ask you to stay for me."
"It's good. Really good, you know? Maybe it's just not right. Not the right time."
"It was the Angela Clark who ran as far away as possible when things got hard."
"I could close my eyes right now and see every strand of Alex's hair."
"But he was gone. And maybe so was the Angela in the other photos."
"So I wouldn't be Mark's Angela if I went back to London, and I couldn't be Alex's Angela if I stayed in New York."
"I am completely mad. Completely, bloody mad."