
Truth Will Prevail Quotes

Truth Will Prevail by Gerald N. Lund

Truth Will Prevail Quotes
"It is to the Father and the Son that we look with gratitude and humility when we consider all that has been and will yet be unfolded in our behalf."
"No novel, however proprietary, is ever the product of one person."
"In the publishing of a book, as in so many other of life's endeavors, 'no man is an island.'"
"Sometimes doing what's best may cause some people to be hurt or be sad, but we have to trust Heavenly Father. He always knows what is best."
"The Savior of all the world, and we were right there."
"This blessing we pronounce upon you by the power of the holy priesthood and through the promptings of the Lord's Holy Spirit."
"It makes me very happy that you would think of that, Joshua. Very happy."
"We're going to miss them a lot, but Heavenly Father always does what is best, even if sometimes it hurts others a little."
"It was a bright, sunny afternoon. Spring was heavy in the air and poured fresh, cool air through the great Gothic-arched windows."
"Because you are to accompany Brother Parley on his mission to Canada."
"I don’t know how, but your going on this mission will prove to be a great blessing to your own family."
"When a man has come almost two thousand miles, it is most unusual if he has an advance appointment."
"I shall call for you, suh, at the hotel at nine a.m. on Monday, two days after tomorrow."
"Peter, James, and John were Apostles. That’s different."
"You and your Mormon church can burn in hell, as far as I’m concerned."
"May I say the same to you, Mistuh Steed. I like a man who knows what he wants and is prepared to see that he gets it."
"No man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron."
"He smiled to himself. And would he be courting the person who most of these Georgian gentlemen agreed was Savannah’s most beautiful and eligible woman?"
"Quickly he took a deep swallow of the liquor, focusing on the burning sensation as it went down his throat."
"Playing seven-card stud with Wilson Everett, and putting your whole life’s work on the line—now, that was high-stakes poker."
"As he felt the warmth of the liquor begin to spread through his stomach, he leaned back and half closed his eyes."
"I count one hundred ninety-eight bales, Samuel."
"The strike-anywhere match, invented in France just a few years before, was becoming popular along the East Coast."
"I’ve waited too long already. I’ve got a business to run."
"He smiled briefly. 'I’m sorry for spoiling a lovely evening.' He turned and moved swiftly to the door."
"'Well, suh, it would be simply too, too embarrassin’ if a lady were to be found with her petticoats showin’.'"
"'I’m not Donovan Mendenhall, Caroline, but I’ll try and be a good husband to you and a good father to your children.'"
"I’d better get on home and help Lydia get the children to bed."
"Then why doesn’t he let those of us who can help do something about it instead of chasing off after buried treasure?"
"Joseph was called by God to restore the gospel and the Church to the earth. His job is to build up the kingdom."
"A prophet is a prophet. That doesn’t make him a financial genius."
"His strengths lie in spiritual things, Ben, not temporal things."
"It’s not a sin to be poor, Carl. Other than that, what is it that you find so offensive about us?"
"It’s the only thing between us that ain’t right, Melissa. I love you, and I love our children, but I don’t care one whit for Mormonism, because it keeps coming between us."
"God ain’t going to send you to hell, Peter. You’re too good. I mean that."
"If there is a hell and you and me end up there, it can’t be much worse than old Mr. Morris’s textile factory."
"If there is a God, I don’t think he cares too much about people like us. We’re too poor, Peter. There’s too many of us."
"We’re on our own, and we’ve got to help each other get along."
"The very thing you and I were discussing last night, Joseph."
"You can’t use prayers to redeem currency either."
"We have about fifteen thousand dollars in hard-money reserves."
"If we don’t make a go of this, money is going to be the very least of our worries."
"She was walking down past the temple after worship services."
"If Oliver’s back from Philadelphia, that means he’s got the printing plates."
"Brother Joseph and I spent some time with our legal counsel last night after we heard the news from Brother Hyde."
"I feel perfectly fine. At least from the waist up."
"We are proposing that we now change our organization from that of a formal banking institution to a joint-stock company with note-issuing powers."
"Sometimes a man has to take a stand against bad things."
"It’s three schillings more a month, Derek. Three schillings!"
"Sometimes, Will . . . Sometimes we start things that we can’t control."
"I’ll give you two weeks. If you don’t work out, you’re out of both jobs."
"I don’t know if I can ever put these terrible images from my mind, Joshua."
"I think Savannah sounds absolutely perfect, Joshua."
"I don’t know if I can promise you that nothing will change in our relationship."
"It’s like we have been talking about another man, a man called Joshua Steed whom I’ve never met, never seen."
"It’s where everything important to me started."
"I feel like I was immersed in a pillar of fire."
"I long to be gone. I count the days as though I were a hireling counting the remaining days of my servitude."
"We shall be apart for only a short time. Be faithful, so that we may greet each other again in the holy resurrection."
"If you will be quiet long enough for me to speak, Brother Parrish."
"I’d be right proud if you ever did, Will. Right proud."
"It’s like we were on the verge of an explosion."
"I think there’s only one other person with a larger investment."
"I think of you as if you are actually my own son."
"I’m sorry you think less of me, Will. That hurts a lot."
"I don’t know, Lydia. I barely know this man."
"I’ve done that because I believe it’s right. I believe you believe it’s right, and I trust you, Joseph."
"Why don’t you call your sisters home and we’ll have supper together."
"I’d have done it a thousand times if that was possible."
"You are going to have to take me behind that wall and show me there’s nothing there to be frightened of. Because right now, I am very frightened."
"If there was a kind God anywhere in this world, he’d let us go back and undo some of the stupid things we do, Will."
"I can’t make you tell me what’s back there, Joshua."
"I was surprised now how badly it hurt to see the disappointment on Will’s face."
"If we don’t make a go of this, Joseph stands to be one of the biggest losers of all."
"All I can say is that I’m deep-down shamed at what I did."
"You’re not very good at guessing. Why don’t you just ask whatever questions you’ve got tumblin’ around in your head?"
"I’ll try and answer them as honestly as I can."
"I’ll be fine. I want to show Pa that I’m man enough to run my own farm."
"I guess I can’t say as I blame her, but that night I was furious with her."
"I’ve done that because I believe it’s right."
"I had lots of questions about God. I tried to ask the preacher, and he got angry with me."
"I’ve purchased around a thousand shares in the Safety Society."
"I’m sorry now. But like I said, you can’t go back and undo things you did, no matter how much you want to."
"If we didn’t put off this spirit of speculation and covetousness that has gripped us, we would see the results of our apostasy."
"I cannot tell you how much your words surprise and sadden me."
"You must not leave those feelings you once had, Parley. You must not!"
"Satan understands that destiny as clearly as I."
"This church will not fall! As surely as God exists, God’s work—his church, his priesthood, his gospel—will triumph!"
"Let him stir up the hearts of wicked men against us."
"Only God can tell you that, Benjamin. Only God."
"Too often, piousness only runs Sabbath-deep, with the rest of the week revealing a different character."
"You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?"
"Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."
"Prayer, fasting, and a sincere heart lead to answers from the Lord."
"The work rolls forward like the stone Daniel saw which was cut out of the mountain without hands."
"In the face of adversity, it's the strength of one's faith that truly shines."
"True courage is standing firm in one's beliefs, despite opposition."
"The light of truth cannot be extinguished, even by the darkest of opposition."
"It's really our book. Even the Book of Mormon was given to an ancient people. This book was given directly to us."
"You claim to be the only true Church. But look at what's happening. Bickering, infighting, one group turning against another."