
The Highwayman Quotes

The Highwayman by Kerrigan Byrne

The Highwayman Quotes
"Black emotion had kept him from crying out as Sister Margaret tried her level best to break him."
"He’d met her cold, bright eyes with his own, unable to stop his blink as the strap had come down again and again until the welts on his palms had split and bled."
"I’m so bloody hungry all the time," he muttered, not missing her flinch at his profanity. "Hungry enough to eat the moss off those rocks."
"Ye are blood of my blood, and bone of my bone. I give ye my body, that we two might be one. I give ye my spirit, ’til our life shall be done."
"I’ll teach you that, as well," she promised. "Right after I teach you to read. Love is quite like reading, I expect. Once you know how, you can’t ever imagine not doing it."
"Every man is capable of a heart such as mine. They just need to be given the right incentive."
"You know better than to ask me questions, Inspector."
"I’d never dream of perpetrating such a tragedy, on either accord. I, for one, have no wish to be any man’s trouble and strife."
"Never." The dark voice was also closer. Terrifyingly close.
"Fear lanced through the holes in her memory and she felt as though she barreled toward the truth with the speed of the train’s steam engine."
"I hope you enjoyed that kiss, Mrs. Mackenzie… For it shall be your last."
"Farah’s lids fought her, but the urgency that thrummed through her told her to run. To fight. To scream."
"Wondering just what he’d given her, she carefully slid her feet from beneath the covers. How would she find her slippers in the dark?"
"I’m not going to hurt you," the darkness said. He was so close, she thought she could feel his breath on her skin.
"You don’t think I can make it so that you’re never found?"
"A widow? You may play the respectable matron with others, Mrs. Mackenzie, but you are a woman with terrible secrets. And I happen to know what they are."
"You threaten everything. You could ruin everything and expose him by claiming your title."
"What makes you think I’d marry the likes of you?"
"You speak of marriage like a military commander discusses battle strategy."
"You’re the only woman I’d even consider bedding."
"I give ye my spirit, ’til our life shall be done."
"I thought we’d quite established that I don’t have one."
"What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder..."
"If your woman fancies a bit of quim, Blackwell, she’ll have to pay for it, like anyone else."
"You see, husband, I have nothing left to fear but death."
"That is where you’re wrong. There are so many things more terrifying than death."
"I’m as old as the sea and tired of this game."
"I was hiding at Ben More Castle on the Isle of Mull. There was a threat against my life."
"It’s too late for that, I’m afraid. A man like me can’t leave an attack like this unanswered and hope to retain his place at the top."
"I brought ye tea and snacks! They call this first-class fare, but if it is, I’ll eat my own hat."
"Every whore in East London knows she’s Lucy Boggs from her picture in the paper."
"No one would take the word of a lot of cocksuckers like us over that of 'er magistrate 'usband, Mr. Warrington."
"All I have to do is prove that I’m the real Farah Townsend. I lived her life as a child, I’ll know things about my parents, my home, my past, that the imposter couldn’t possibly know."
"You’re a good woman, Farah. I’ve always admired you."
"You gave your heart to Dougan, before you even knew what it meant. It is not meant for me."
"Anyone who knows me knows I would marry no imposter."
"I cannot offer you my heart, because I am not capable of giving something I don’t possess."
"My soul recognized your soul—and was reborn."
"I love to crush my enemies and outwit the police. I am not the redeemable hero, Farah. I am not the boy who loved you. I am the villain."
"I’ve been your wife for seventeen years. I love you."