
To Love And To Loathe Quotes

To Love And To Loathe by Martha Waters

To Love And To Loathe Quotes
"There was no place like a ball for a good, old-fashioned wager, Diana always said."
"You’re making a mistake if you think to match Belfry with Lady Emily. A less likely man to marry I’ve never seen."
"I’ll wager you’ll be married within the year. I could find you a bride in three snaps."
"I have been given to understand you are rather fond of the sex, Willingham."
"The last thing I ever intend to do is something as unutterably foolish as to fall in love."
"We need to discuss the conditions of our arrangement."
"It was likely for the best that he had broken the kiss."
"You came to my room at night after everyone was abed for innocent purposes?"
"I shall have to wait until another evening to pass judgment on that."
"Your efforts were reasonably satisfactory as well."
"I have other ideas for myself, thank you very much, sister dearest."
"I have been so wishing to have a cozy little chat with you."
"I think this is behavior exactly fitting the man I am." - Jeremy
"It’s this sort of attitude that is going to lead to revolution, you know." - Diana
"I am so glad that the sole aim of my existence is now to find a woman I can tolerate, get her with child, and then pass this pressure and responsibility onto my son someday. What a bloody lovely prospect." - Jeremy
"You young people. So certain that you’re different, that you’ll evade the parson’s mousetrap, or that you’ll find a love match." - Dowager Marchioness
"I rather believe I do," Belfry said in an undertone. His gaze flicked to Diana, who did not even attempt to feign disinterest.
"You’ve never found yourself up against the combined will of me and the dowager marchioness," Diana said, smiling in a self-satisfied manner.
"I’ll remind you, I spent most of that life assuming that it wouldn’t matter much to anyone else what I did, because I wasn’t the one with the title." - Jeremy
"And so it is only natural that you find us superficially similar." - Jeremy
"You only say that because you can’t see the look on your own face," Audley said. "It’s practically indecent."
"I’m not certain that the state necessarily goes hand in hand with the others." - Jeremy
"It was entirely Jeremy’s fault, of course—as always."
"Such as, for example, when a lady tripped in walking boots that were at least two sizes too large for her."
"Everything was, in other words, going just according to plan."
"Perhaps we should all pause for a moment to admire the natural beauty that surrounds us, then."
"Diana, you can go an impressively long time without blinking."
"Then perhaps you should carry Lady Helen instead?"
"It was indeed the stuff all romances are made of."
"Wipe that addlepated expression off your face at once."
"It’s high time you were wed, as I’ve made abundantly clear."
"I suppose I have waited these many years to hear you say those words."
"I am feeling rather nauseatingly self-satisfied at present."
"You got to experience what it is like to live as a man."
"I am certain I shall be right as rain in but a moment."
"It is possible to employ a maid who lands somewhere in between those two options."
"It’s all part of my plan, you see. Merely the latest chapter in what has been a lengthy, yearslong strategy."
"Love can exist without marriage, just as much as the opposite is true."
"Marriage to someone of my own choosing is more than I have ever truly hoped for."
"I'm just asking you not to be a complete ass, for once in your life."
"You're more than a charming rake, Jeremy, and you'll realize soon enough that you're not fooling yourself, either."
"You think that addlepated smile works to fool everyone around you, and perhaps it does, but please understand that it has no effect on me whatsoever."