
The Iron King Quotes

The Iron King by Maurice Druon

The Iron King Quotes
"I protest against an iniquitous sentence and I declare that the crimes of which we are accused are wholly invented!" - Jacques de Molay
"The Grand Master and the Preceptor of Normandy felt at once exhausted and relaxed. At last they were at peace with themselves."
"The loveless Queen sighed. 'How beautiful those words are,' she said. 'One might think that they had been written for me.'"
"I insist that he be not encouraged to lisp nonsense, as children so often are. I’m not concerned that he should be able to say 'Papa' and 'Mamma'. I should prefer him to know the words 'King' and 'Queen'."
"‘Why have I confided all this to you?’ said Isabella. They were still looking into each other’s eyes."
"‘I am guilty,’ went on Jacques de Molay, ‘only of having yielded to your promises, your threats and your tortures.'"
"‘No, Robert,’ she cried, ‘I am not going to do that for which I so much blame my sisters-in-law. I cannot, I must not. But when I think of what I am denying myself, what I am giving up, then I know how lucky they are to have husbands who love them. Oh, no! They must be punished, properly punished!’"
"‘He is a man who has grown wicked because he has been wronged,’ she thought. ‘But, if one loves him, he must be capable of love.’"
"‘It’s quite true,’ said Blanche; ‘you get nothing out of our good fortune. And of us all, it’s your husband who’s away most often. If only Marguerite and I had your luck.’"
"I am not going to do that for which I so much blame my sisters-in-law. I cannot, I must not. But when I think of what I am denying myself, what I am giving up, then I know how lucky they are to have husbands who love them. Oh, no! They must be punished, properly punished!"
"He lacked the courage to rise from the table and say, ‘I’ve lost enough.’"
"No compliment could have given Marguerite greater pleasure. She thanked Philippe by burying her lips in his neck."
"In a moment you will appear before God. There is still time to confess your faults and to repent."
"The handsomest young fellows at Court. Devil take it, I didn’t expect that."
"The secrets of the great world are the interest on the money we lend them."
"If only I had waited another day or two at Calais! How stupid I am!"
"Happiness… What is happiness, daughter, if it is not to conform to one’s destiny? If it is not learning to say yes, always to God… and often to men?"
"I did not marry you to a man, but to a King. I did not sacrifice you by mistake."
"The Queen will buy nothing from you direct, because she has no money in her own right and her expenditure is supervised."
"I should like to have written it all down if I had had the time."
"Undoubtedly God gives them gifts of mind and body to compensate them for the advantages of inheritance and position that He withholds."
"Youth quickly regains both its strength and its illusions. Danger overcome but serves to increase its confidence in itself and to encourage it to further enterprise."
"It is very difficult to resist someone who speaks well of one, yet, as far as I am concerned, a thief is better than a flatterer."
"I am glad that you should have reminded me what I owe to myself. It is not to weep that I have come to France, Father."
"He is not a man, nor a beast; he is a statue."
"He may well be the most handsome man in the world, but he knows only how to look at people in silence."
"Nothing will make him bend, he is an Iron King."
"I swear to you, Aunt, that this is no moment for bickering. The disaster that has come upon our family is very far from being a joke."
"What disaster for one of us could possibly be a disaster for the other?"
"A woman who has sinned should be prevented forever from transmitting the blood of kings."
"I did nothing in my own name! I served the King, the King alone."
"For a man who is more accustomed to handle a sword, it is a pretty good piece of work."
"It is he; it is this watchdog who bars the way and prevents my reaching his master."
"How many forgotten things are here. So many prosecutions, so much torture, so many tears. A river of blood … and all for what? What earth has been nourished by it all?"
"Nothing is great that has not its bitter side."
"Think merely that you have united under the crown Chartres, Beaugency, Champagne, Bigorre, Angoulême, Marche, Douai, Montpellier, Franche-Comté, Lyons, and part of Guyenne."
"I have always served you faithfully, Sire. I pray you to recommend me to your son."
"Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit."
"But don't forget our offer, if events should make it useful."
"Given that every human being, formed in the image of Our Lord, should in general be free by natural right …"