
Big Girl Panties Quotes

Big Girl Panties by Stephanie Evanovich

Big Girl Panties Quotes
"There are generally two common types of eating disorders suffered by the obese." - Logan Montgomery
"Everyone wants to be liked, at least a little bit." - Logan Montgomery
"It's only a number, kid, it's only a number." - Logan Montgomery
"If ever she became frustrated, he never heard her complain." - Narration
"It's about getting you healthy." - Logan Montgomery
"The rules are simple. For every calorie you take in beyond the minimum your body needs to function, you want to burn one out with exercise." - Logan Montgomery
"I’m all for it, but right now the only term you need to worry about now is ‘whoop your ass.’" - Logan Montgomery
"Compulsive overeaters are most times fully aware that their eating habits aren’t normal but get little support, other than being told to get some willpower and go on a diet." - Logan Montgomery
"Her curves were not yet obvious, but her round face started showing high cheekbones he hadn’t noticed before."
"She looked strong. She felt strong. She was strong."
"She was changing, both physically and mentally. She felt braver and ready to take risks."
"The presence in her house that prevented her from selling it was his ghost, languishing and all-knowing of her inner struggle, reminding her of how she’d failed him."
"All the women he’s ever introduced us to have been these walking, talking carbon-copy bombshells."
"It was an intriguing combination, and Holly found it impossible to look away from him."
"He was bronze and glistening and defined, with an expansive, smooth chest and clear-cut abs that fed into what Holly just knew was a perfect package."
"Maybe it is time, and you just have to rise to the challenge."
"But character? It had no price tag; no amount of money could buy it."
"She was stunning. Tan, tiny bikini, not an ounce of fat on her, a mane of flaxen flowing hair, round baby-blue eyes."
"Penguin suits were for weddings and awards shows. Who wears a tuxedo to dinner on vacation? People like Logan Montgomery do."
"It wasn’t fair to be comparing herself to any of these women; no one had asked her to."
"Holly leaned back against her pillows, frowning."
"Holly felt her teeth tearing into her lower lip and then chastised herself."
"Unfortunately, he was also the man who had begun to invade her dreams."
"You want a stretch? I can see your date is here."
"I can’t take in a game tonight. I have another client tonight and a six o’clock tomorrow morning."
"You’re recovering from a horrible life-altering experience. It takes time."
"I appreciate your compassion, but I should probably tell you, I gave up on people after I became a widow."
"That’s a bunch of crap. I would never find myself so at ease with a social leper."
"It wasn’t about him and you at that point. You said yourself, it had taken on a life of its own."
"Amanda leaned back into her chair, shrugging."
"That’s what helped me get over it actually. Have you ever seen some of the shit you can find on the Web?"
"And you’re not running for office or in a popularity contest, so why should you go one step out of your way to make jerks like you?"
"That’s the good thing about shopping. You can keep doing it ’til you get it right."
"Of course they tried to edit out everything past the spanking, in the name of journalism. More like ratings."
"I just want to introduce her to some of the guys on the team. Unless, of course, you think that’s a bad idea. Or you mind."
"I think the word you’re looking for is ‘type.’ It’s okay, Chase, you can say it."
"But it’s that very fact that has me so curious."
"It’s not about the package, but about the whole package. You are easily the smartest, wittiest, most sincere person I know."
"You didn’t get this way overnight. The only way for this to work is one minute at a time."
"I can’t do this. I can’t go to this party. I can’t go to this party with you."
"It’s a cosmic stroke of luck that you’re the first thing she sees when walking through that door."
"I see a woman who takes pleasure in a lot of the same things I do and makes me laugh."
"But guys like that what? Don’t go for girls like me?"
"You could bounce a quarter off her butt. Say what you want. Fat or no fat, I would wreck that chick."
"Good luck with making it through the day. Stuff is going to happen to you. Now get out there and do the best you can!"
"I would’ve liked nothing more than to see her lovable ass fired."
"I love you, Holly. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever known."
"I guess the tickets back to New Jersey are on me."
"You are the woman who came out of nowhere and made me feel the most intense feelings possible in the most fun and amazing ways, in spite of your history full of misery and disappointment."
"I need to see Holly," Logan said without any preamble.
"Just wait. A few hours from now things should start to get interesting."
"No family is perfect. They don’t even know I’m coming."
"You know the way out," she said without looking back.