
Lying Beside You Quotes

Lying Beside You by Michael Robotham

Lying Beside You Quotes
"I miss my mum the most. I feel guilty about playing favorites, but nobody is around to criticize my choices, except for Elias, and he doesn’t get to choose. Ever."
"My memories aren’t as vivid as they once were. The colors. The smells. The sounds. The fear."
"For years, I have told people that I want what’s best for Elias, without knowing exactly what that means and whether it extends to setting him free."
"A better me, a kinder soul, an empath, a religious man, would show mercy and give Elias the pardon he seeks. Unconditionally. Without question or hesitation. I am not that man."
"I once saw this YouTube video about a Japanese soldier in the Second World War who was sent to an island in the Philippines to watch out for enemy aircraft. He was under orders to never surrender. When the war ended, he had no idea, so he kept hiding in the mountains for twenty-nine years, refusing to give up. That’s my idea of a life well lived, hiding away on a tropical island, cut off from the world. Unreachable. Untouchable."
"It’s like having a boulder on my chest. I struggle to breathe, to sleep, to talk to people. I want my old life back."
"Cyrus hates me lying, then forces me to do it."
"You spend your life rescuing people, but occasionally I need to be rescued."
"Any thoughts?" "He doesn’t like women very much."
"We’re looking for a planner. Someone forensically aware, who is prone to making mistakes when put under pressure."
"I have too many other things to worry about."
"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..."
"If this were a competition, I’d get the stuffed giraffe on the top shelf of the coconut shy."
"I’m looking for information about a historic sexual assault."
"We’re looking for someone forensically aware."
"We humans are the only animals that worry about time. Other animals live in the continual present, with no sense of the past or the future. That’s what I learned to do in jail. I ate. I slept. I breathed. I worked. I lived in the continual present."
"Do you know the two saddest words in the English language? If only."
"I don’t believe in forgiving people who hurt me."
"The father said that his son was lost and now he’d been found. It’s about redemption and absolution."
"Sometimes you wonder why the best of people get the worst of luck."
"Sometimes, an unlikely event is just a coincidence, or God’s way of remaining anonymous."
"I think you are the most fascinating, challenging, infuriating, exciting, unknowable person that I’ve ever met, and I want to see how you turn out."
"You are the bravest person I’ve ever met. You have been forged by fire. Don’t give up, OK? Never give up."
"Who ordered her a car?" "She had an account. I helped her."
"You think someone took her phone and read her license."
"Perhaps he didn’t. Maybe he planned to follow her home."
"If she is, we’ll find her, but right now, you don’t have enough."
"You have every reason to hate me," he says. "And I have no right to expect anything from you—not friendship, or trust, or love."
"You should tell that to Dyson. He thinks I’m a fuckup."
"You can be honest with me. You can tell me what you really think."
"You're worried you might not be a good father."
"You say that now, but you might change your mind."
"What if a baby is the only way I'll ever be loved?"
"I'm asking if you understand the difference between right and wrong?"
"This is not meant as a punishment. It is your civic duty."
"I'm not going to judge anyone. Cyrus is going to find me. He's going to make you pay."
"You gave my baby the wrong medication. A thousand times more than the recommended dose. His brain began to bleed, and his organs shut down."
"I know you’re there. Don’t come any closer or I’ll kill them."
"That I can’t have the attic. And buttons are important."