
The Risk Quotes

The Risk by Elle Kennedy

The Risk Quotes
"Traffic is an evil mistress. Sometimes she screws you."
"You say that as if I have any interest in your balls."
"I love the way calluses feel trailing over my bare skin, grazing a nipple…"
"Rain makes things wet. Somebody call the Nobel Prize judging committee."
"I swear, the chick has an unhealthy obsession with Connelly’s chiseled good looks."
"You must be proud of him. What would you say is your biggest strength, aside from having a semi-famous dad?"
"Hockey is the fourth major sport in the country, but the bigger networks often treat it as if it's less important than NASCAR or tennis or—shudder—golf."
"I don’t like sleeping with wet hair, so I do a quick blow-dry."
"I don’t apologize for wanting us to be focused, but I am sorry if I’m being harsh on you guys."
"Can’t change the past, don’t cry over the present, don’t stress about the future."
"I’m going to miss Saturdays in Gloucester with my folks."
"Hope is for fools. Work hard and make your own dreams come true, then you won’t have to hope for a damn thing."
"We’ve travelled back to cavemen, only nowadays we call them fuckboys."
"A real date. You get a fake date, I get a real one."
"I'm a pro at getting coffee, and I'm never late."
"I don’t think I’ve ever seen Brenna lose her confidence."
"I wonder what ever happened to that sign. A bittersweet taste fills my mouth."
"Stats knowledge is one of the many talents Brenna brings to the table."
"A hookup is usually a one-time deal. Josh was more of a... minus the fucking."
"Because isn’t that the arrangement? A real date for a fake one?"
"We love Titanic. We love the Kardashians. We love Solange. But we sure as hell don’t love T-Swift—"
"You can’t access the stairs without passing the living room."
"I didn’t get to play last time, you got to have all the fun."
"One kiss can make me fall in love with someone."
"I don’t want to be with a man who gives up so easily."
"You ladies can catch up while us boys enjoy the game."
"Not everybody wants to keep us out, and a change is coming."
"What are you so afraid will happen if we keep seeing each other?"
"The only reason I’m here right now is because it’s pouring outside and Jake didn’t want me waiting in the rain for my Uber."
"You’re really not going to tell me about this guy?"
"What would you do if someone you used to care about called you up in a panic and said he doesn’t know where he is, that he’s cold and he’s wet and lying in some gutter? Would you leave them there?"
"I am not abandoning you in a fucking meth neighborhood, Brenna."
"After everything we’ve been through, I don’t owe you a goddamn thing, Eric."
"He was a number one draft pick out of high school. Drafted by Chicago."
"I can’t believe that’s the same Eric Royce who almost played for Chicago."
"Sometimes people need to hit rock bottom in order for things to change."
"It’s been ages. We’re pretty much an old married couple now."
"Are you kidding me? Some of these guys are older than actual NHL players!"
"You like being teased. I find that interesting."
"It’s not a meth neighborhood. It’s one town over from where I grew up."
"I almost died for that guy. But enough is enough. He’s a ghost from my past."
"I did the responsible thing and I’m getting shit for it. Do you realize how ridiculous that is?"
"I’m not abandoning you in a fucking meth neighborhood, Brenna."
"Dad, look at me. I’m in one piece. I’m alive."
"You have no idea what it’s like to almost lose your child."
"She’s weird and tiny and has an inexplicable amount of self-confidence."
"You don’t want to be with someone who’s exactly like you. You want someone who challenges you, who inspires you to open up when you’ve been closed off your entire life."
"She was my girl. You don’t disrespect a man’s girl."
"We’re not going around hugging each other every other minute, but our conversations flow so much smoother, and we’re cracking more jokes."
"It’s ironic. All that bullshit I spewed about needing to rid myself of distractions—which was a total lie to begin with—resulted in creating an even bigger disruption in my brain."