
Dark Angel Quotes

Dark Angel by V.C. Andrews

Dark Angel Quotes
"Why had my mother run away from a house like this?"
"Someday I’d make my granny proud, though she was dead."
"What an ignorant innocent I was to arrive with so much hope."
"My heart jumped in response, then plunged. My curse, my dark hair."
"I have done nothing important with my so-called brilliance."
"It’s more than just her hair color, too. There’s something in her eyes... something that isn’t, well, as innocent."
"I’m not sure I can find the right path back to the main house, it’s so dark and foggy outside."
"I want someday to go back to Winnerrow and to let everyone who knew me when I was poor see just what I’ve become."
"The hills killed her? I had presumed inadequate medical care took her life."
"You and I will go shopping together and leave Jillian to her own affairs."
"This woman Sarah that you mentioned, what was she like?"
"We commit ourselves, not only in words, but in deeds."
"The more things changed, the more they stayed the same."
"I don’t care what she looked like, what was she like?"
"You must strike the name of Sarah from your lips and your memory."
"Heaven, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in forty years, it’s the fact that bad seeds have a way of turning up."
"I didn’t care what was served. Food, when it came on time and in sufficient amounts and always tasted delicious, wasn’t the monumental affair that once it had been."
"Every rich person should adopt at least one poor child."
"You look so lovely and fresh, sitting there in your pale blue nightgown."
"It’s what you want, isn’t it? It’s what you came for, isn’t it?"
"We live on dreams, you know, and when there are none, we soon die."
"I don’t know what difference it makes anyway, when beautiful girls like you are so quickly snatched off the market they seldom have use for what brains they have."
"I love you so much, darling, and want you all to myself."
"If you have any feelings for me left, and I hope and pray you do, then please try to forgive me."
"I have heard of The Red Feather and the parties held there. You are much too young at fifteen to begin drinking beer, or wine, or to sample any of the other adult pursuits that begin in innocent-appearing games."
"I am not my brother. I don’t make promises I don’t keep."
"You can't prove anything," said a small, plain girl named Amy Luckett, her hands moving in an agitated, betraying way. "You could have snagged your own sweaters, accidentally ruined your own jacket."
"If you want to be liked, Miss Casteel, you don’t tattle on schoolmates who play tricks on all the new girls."
"Why, that’s a small thing to ask. Just see that you don’t embarrass the school."
"We always play that joke on a new girl. It’s fun to mislead them and let them dress incorrectly."
"You have the potential to become anything you set your mind to be."
"I was so afraid you’d be late. I’ve made us the most delicious Swedish Christmas bread."
"It’s all part of our initiation. Now, if you complete the last ritual, you can become one of us."
"I never knew anythin’ so normal could hurt so blessed much!"
"Why, my mother heard Leigh VanVoreen married a Mexican bandit . . ."
"I hope to God you are heeding my warning and staying away from my brother. He’ll never make any woman happy."
"I don’t want to ruin your life just because there’s a shadow over mine."
"I used to silently pray that God would take away her aches and pains."
"I have held back from loving you. I don’t want to be just another man who hurts you."
"I never knew a girl who needed a family more than you, so I wanted to give you a huge one."
"We are going to have the most wonderful day!"
"Let me think more about what’s happening between us. I have held back from loving you."
"Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, we shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves."
"To hate and to harbor grudges, and to pass judgment without knowledge of circumstances is an evil comparable to murder."
"We are mortals put upon this earth to live out our lives with humility, without resentments, harboring no grudges."
"I have a terrible headache, and I’m looking forward to a long, cool bath before bed."
"His bewilderment made him sway even as he stood and waited for me. 'I’ll ketch me a ride with Skeeter Burl. He likes me now.'"
"'I don’t care who he sees!' I sobbed, shoving at Cal and trying to push him out of my room. 'All I want to do is take a bath and go to bed—now get out and leave me alone!'"
"'I’ve been a fool, Heaven, a damned fool, and now I’ve lost you. But why is it you always have to go elsewhere to find what I was so willing to give?'"
"'But I’m not, I am not! I’m warped and unable to change. I didn’t think you’d come back, once you got out into the real world and discovered you’d been asleep. This isn’t a real house, Heaven. Not one lived in by real people. We’re all fakes, Heaven, Tony, Jillian, me; even the servants learn the rules and play the game.'"
"I realized Troy was far too complex for me ever to understand. I’d just love him as he was, and maybe one day when he woke up from a dreamless sleep he’d smile before dawn and throughout the day thoughts of dying young would be forgotten."
"The love I have for you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I thank you for loving and giving me so much, even knowing all my weaknesses."
"Grandmother . . . was Tony the reason my mother ran from this house?"
"In loving Leigh, I not only destroyed her, I have destroyed my brother."
"We can’t marry. And yet last night I took you and did my best to make you conceive. Forgive me for my selfishness."
"I had come to Boston with a goal in mind, and on that I concentrated, thinking somehow, at some point in time, I would find the happiness that was due me."
"I wasn’t a scumbag Casteel, no daughter of the hills. But what good would it do me now, now that Troy was gone?"
"I’m going back home, back to Winnerrow. At last it was time for me to put the past to rest, and to become that person I always wanted to be."
"I wasn’t Pa’s daughter. I wasn’t a scumbag Casteel, no daughter of the hills."
"I was a Tatterton, a VanVoreen, and even if I planned never to tell anyone in my family the truth of my parentage, still, I was now ready to confront the man whose love I had needed so desperately as a child, who had denied me so relentlessly and brutally."