
The Lady Of The Rivers Quotes

The Lady Of The Rivers by Philippa Gregory

The Lady Of The Rivers Quotes
"My words are real, not like a troubadour’s poem. And this is no game for me."
"I knew I was called by God. And that He would protect me, so I had no fear."
"When someone in my family is going to die, then I hear a noise."
"Everything that men know, they make their own."
"You must be your own guide, but you might hear her when she speaks to you."
"I am a soldier-in-waiting, not a lady-in-waiting."
"In the books, Jacquetta, in one of them—somewhere—is the answer that all men seek."
"I am a woman of earth now, not a girl of water."
"We have to be here to show our revulsion at these crimes."
"I am a woman of earth at last; I am fertile ground, and a seed is growing inside me."
"You must see that puts me in a difficult position. What am I to do then?"
"I will do just one card. One will tell you enough."
"It’s good and bad. It’s a kind of warning that you can rise very high and fall very low."
"We all want to triumph. But we all have to learn to endure what comes."
"We cannot rule the country without William de la Pole; he is the greatest man in the land."
"I don’t know how they would manage without us."
"I should still be summoned, even if I were the smallest quietest squire of Grafton."
"A pardon is worth no more than the paper, the king’s own signature nothing more than ink."
"I will see them swing for treason if so much as a hair of your head was hurt."
"Always we wait, and the money never comes when it should."
"Magic is the act of making a wish come about."
"You have to have courage to know what you desire."
"You are bound to feel weary. You can just rest. Everyone will want you to rest."
"I wonder what it will be. Do you think a boy?"
"I am bound to think about it. This is your first baby; if it is a boy, he will be the next King of England."
"Don’t think about him with the Sight. I want him to bloom like a flower, unobserved."
"Whatever you did to conceive this child, it is worth it."
"It was a sin for love. And hurt no one. Then it’s forgivable."
"You needn’t confess anything you did to get this child."
"Why should you not have a beautiful day every day of your life?"
"It’s just that … I don’t want you to know everything … not everything."
"We have lost the last of our lands in France."
"The king goes to bed very early, the gentlemen of his chamber tell me."
"He has to be presented by the Privy Council."
"We are all lost under the rule of a sleeping king."
"We have to make me regent and then I can hold down the Duke of York."
"I have to do as you suggest. We have no choice."
"To be appointed by his own place men is no appointment."
"He is a usurper, and your husband should have shot him as soon as he was in range."
"He should not be seen by the people of London."
"We must forgive our enemies as we hope to be forgiven."
"I am Queen of London, but they shall never see me."
"When a man wants a mystery, it is generally better to leave him mystified. Nobody loves a clever woman."
"Some processes call for the touch of a woman. Some of the greatest alchemy has been done by a husband and wife, working together."
"My daughter is to be close to the crown. How could such a thing be?"
"We say that we are the rulers of this country, but we do not make a rule of law."
"You have my husband to thank for her safety."
"They say that she has given the country to the King of France in return for his support."
"I can’t foretell. I feel as if I am waiting for a sign, as if we all are."
"I am the Duchess of Bedford, friend to the queen."
"You have to be calm. I know it is difficult, but you have to be calm and hope for the best."
"I am coming like a wolf into England, Jacquetta, with an army of wolves."
"We bring terror to England; we are like a plague on our own people."
"He’s the fastest commander in battle I have ever seen."