
The Love Song Of Miss Queenie Hennessy Quotes

The Love Song Of Miss Queenie Hennessy by Rachel Joyce

The Love Song Of Miss Queenie Hennessy Quotes
"Life is different for me at the hospice. The colours, the smells, the way a day passes."
"I close my eyes and I pretend that the heat of the radiator is the sun on my hands."
"I can imagine all sorts of things, Harold, if I put my mind to it."
"I hear the patients cough, and it is only the wind in my garden by the sea."
"We’re going to write him a second letter. Tell him the truth, the whole truth."
"You make me happy. And it’s a long time since I’ve laughed."
"I'm not forcing you to go to St Bernadine’s. But they can make sure you’re comfortable there."
"I will never get to the end of my letter, I thought. There is a huge story ahead of me."
"I am here to live until I die. There is a significant difference."
"You were openly gawping straight down Sheila’s cleavage."
"You are here to live until you die. There is a significant difference."
"But sometimes you have to respect the fact that even though you don’t want bindweed you have it, and you’d better get along side by side."
"I said I was thirty-nine, but I could still purchase a bus ticket."
"Clearly the person who feared he was not good enough was Napier."
"You see how complicated life gets. Even something as simple as a resignation."
"But it is easier to argue with another person, especially an employee, than it is to argue with the darker recesses of oneself."
"Sometimes you can love something not because you instinctively connect with it but because another person does."
"When a thing is taken away, you see more clearly what it brought to your life."
"Sometimes people judge their happiness by the price they have to pay for it."
"We write ourselves certain parts and then keep playing them as if we have no choice."
"You don’t have to keep being the thing you have become. It is never too late."
"You can love full on, with a lot of noise, or you can do it quietly, over the washing-up."
"Sometimes, the way forward takes you by surprise."
"The anger throbbed in my belly as if it were breathing."
"The world changed. It did not change for Napier."
"You try to force something in the familiar direction and discover that what it needs is to move in a different dimension."
"I wished I had collapsed when I got there, on the station platform."
"It was like the day your first letter arrived, Harold, only this was harder."
"If you ask me, Harold Fry sounds a diamond geezer."
"If Harold Fry is a friend of Miss Hennessy’s, he is a friend of mine."
"Something new was happening. It was palpable."
"It’s a unanimous yes vote. From now on, no one dies. We’re all waiting for Harold Fry."
"I want to tell you, Harold, how I made my home in Northumberland."
"I thought, No one else will say yes. No one will even answer."
"I had a wife and a best friend. That was all I needed."
"I thought of you, and him, and I cried for many hours."
"I didn’t want to take you away from her. I’d never wanted that."
"I realized, then, that her grief was as boundless as the sky."
"I had set out to love you quietly, from the sidelines."
"He’s still walking, Queenie. I feel it in my bones."
"You sad old bitch. Father will never love you."
"Sometimes we reject the people who tell the truth."