
In My Dreams I Hold A Knife Quotes

In My Dreams I Hold A Knife by Ashley Winstead

In My Dreams I Hold A Knife Quotes
"Your body has a knowing. Like an antenna, attuned to tremors in the air, tracing things so deeply buried you have no language for them yet."
"The moment I pulled it out, my hands began to tremble. I’d waited a long time, and it was finally here."
"Inside my apartment, I locked the door, kicked my shoes to the corner, and tossed my keys on the counter."
"College: a freedom so profound the joy of it didn’t wear off the entire four years."
"Sometimes I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, like now, slowly brushing my hair, thinking: You are beautiful, Jessica Miller."
"If I could go back to Duquette and reveal myself to the people whose opinions mattered most, I would read the truth in their eyes."
"My life was a narrative I couldn’t parse, full of conflicting evidence."
"But in a flash, a vision of torn blond hair, sticky and red, matted against white sheets."
"Everything I’d ever failed at, every second place, every rejection, mounting, mounting, mounting."
"The people responsible for the best days of my life, and the worst."
"You can’t let people do that to you, or next thing, you’re a walking joke."
"I feel like a bad older sister or something."
"It was the one day I needed the clouds out, dark and cold, keeping campus a ghost town."
"Sometimes, all you had to do was sit back and do nothing, and it was just that easy."
"I couldn’t shake how messed up Eric is. We graduated and then never checked on him."
"It’s pretty obvious, we send it anonymously to JuicyCampus."
"I could stand to be in the room with her one more minute. That’s what horrified me."
"I don’t give a fuck who Frankie dates. But he lied to me. For years."
"I’m tired of pretending to be someone I’m not. I’ve done so many things because I didn’t think who I am was good enough. It’s time to stop being afraid. I’m going to have a bigger imagination."
"You’re lucky we’re not having this conversation in the middle of football practice!"
"I won’t let you do this. Not to yourself, and especially not to Jack."
"I want to tell you something. It’s important."
"But Mint turned into Courtney’s Stepford husband, so look where that got me."
"I can’t believe you guys. I didn’t tell you about Heather’s plan to out Jack because I didn’t want to say something so ugly about her."
"Fuck it. I don’t care if you’re good or bad. I love you, and you love me. Say it."
"I’m sorry about that. Courtney needs to be alone."
"I’ll never forget the horror, the depth of disgust in Mint’s eyes, when he finally saw me for who I really was."
"Imagine thinking the Sweetheart Ball was the most important thing happening. Tonight, when only hours before, lives had been torn asunder and scales had been tipped, injustice seeping out like a poison."
"I wish you’d told me when it happened. I would’ve come to Virginia to be with you at the funeral. I would have done anything."
"I don’t regret it. I wish I’d done more. At least what I did scared Garvey enough to leave Duquette."
"It turns out the real you is a quilt, made up of the light and the dark."
"You’re gone now, and your story’s closed. You are who you are."
"It’s funny how the world reshapes itself according to your desires, if you demand it."
"I wasn’t even on the list. Heather hadn’t edged me out. I’d never been close, not even with Dr. Garvey’s letter and my impeccable grades, not with all the years of working so hard."
"Nothing I could do was going to change the man he’d been."
"The ink on the story of my dad and me was dry."
"It was my secret shame: I wanted, I wanted, I wanted."
"I lay on the grass and sobbed. The stars looked on, cold and unblinking."
"I knew instantly what he was after. Evidence."
"He was going to make her cry, beg him on her knees."
"He felt a deep satisfaction settle over him."
"You’re a terrible person. I want you to die knowing that."
"We’re the only people alive who know what happened at Blackwell. We need to swear to each other we’ll take the truth to our graves."
"The law’s pretty black and white when it comes to killing people, even if they killed your sister first."
"Before you ask me, yes, Jack and I have files on you all. And it’s not the nicest stuff."
"Our secrets. I looked at my friends. For all our closeness, I’d still missed so much."
"I swear to let Jessica take all the blame for Mint’s death."
"Nobody wants to see Eric in prison, or any of your secrets leaked."
"I thought I was the ‘Femme Fatale of Blackwell Tower.’"
"Because you were almost killed by your ex-boyfriend. The same man who killed one of your best friends."
"I need you to know I loved her. Please tell me you know."
"I’ve heard they’re good for introducing to boyfriends."
"She’d say it was about damn time we solved her case."
"He was a pretty effective interrogator, actually."
"I don’t know. I just want to be free with you in this city."
"I didn’t have a fancy job anymore, or a clean record, or a flawless reputation."
"Because I had someone who loved me, for the good and the bad."