
The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide Quotes

The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide by Stephenie Meyer

The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide Quotes
"So the dream was me looking down on this scene: It was in this meadow, and there was so much light."
"I was so intrigued when I woke up. I just sat there and thought: So how does that end?"
"It wasn’t the dream so much as that day of writing that made me a writer."
"And I cannot read a page of anything I’ve written without making five changes—that’s my average."
"It was a creative outlet that was the best one I’ve ever found."
"I always needed that extra fantasy world. I had to have another world I could be in at the same time."
"It’s kind of funny to know exactly what day you started being a writer!"
"You can’t change who they are to make the story go easier."
"What a world it would be if we knew that all these little legends around us are absolutely real!"
"And so the endings, to me, are always inevitable. You get to a point where there’s no other way it can go."
"Just to have Bella and Edward really be able to understand each other—that made it worth writing four books."
"I wrote because I was compelled. I mean, it wasn’t even like a choice."
"You miss being able to write in a vacuum—where it’s just you and the story, and there’s no one that’s ever going to say anything about it."
"Can you tell I like the lighter side of Shakespeare?"
"Either one could have been the one that was wrong for her, and either one could have been the one that was right."
"It’s just a story. It’s about an interesting circumstance and how it resolves. It’s not intended to mean anything for anybody else’s life."
"When you spend time around people, you know, there are so many stories that it just can make you crazy when you want to write them all down."
"To have written the first book that got them excited to be a reader—oh, that’s an amazing gift."
"I wish I could give everybody that gift—to find the book that does it for you."
"I lived a thousand adventures—and I was a thousand heroines, and I fell in love a thousand times."
"There’s some book out there that’s perfectly tailored for him, and he doesn’t know."
"Every student should have a chance to find at least one book they fall in love with."
"So, Stephenie Meyer, thank you. For changing the world—making it a better place."
"While vampires are frightening and deadly, they are also alluring."
"The only time I really did any research on vampires was when the character Bella did research on vampires."
"Just because a human or a vampire has a special talent doesn’t guarantee that Aro will add him or her to the coven."
"Aro encourages such pilgrimages, as it gives him a chance to read their minds."
"I certainly never thought to see Carlisle bested for self-control of all things, but you put him to shame."
"Besides, I’m so terribly curious to see how Bella turns out!"
"I doubt whether any two among gods or mortals have ever seen quite so clearly."
"Oh well, we’re all together now! Isn’t it lovely?"
"Thanks to her planning and Jasper’s gifts, Maria’s army was very successful."
"Maria grew fond of Jasper, depending on him more and more."
"Jasper was able to give Maria early warning, and she killed them both."
"Maria never forgot her deceased mate or moved on."
"He was no longer interested in their lifestyle of conflict and acquisition."
"Maria grew paranoid that he might turn on her."
"Maria eventually forgave Jasper for his defection."
"Riley was awed by Victoria; he bought her story and quickly returned her perceived feelings for him."
"Victoria was scared and on the defensive; he could see that with his own eyes."
"Victoria told Riley many stories, half-truths, and outright lies."
"Victoria did not have him instruct the newborns about the Volturi."
"Riley worried that she would lose interest and never return for him."
"Riley felt like the time had come to strike."
"Victoria was thrilled to find out that the answer was no."
"After it was over she and Riley would run fast and far, until the Volturi got tired of chasing them."
"Riley was disturbed by her actions and the things she made him do."
"Stefan and Vladimir both lost mates to the Volturi."
"They are particularly bitter toward Jane and Alec."
"Stefan and Vladimir are always searching for ways to discomfit or damage the Volturi."
"The Volturi have never committed their assets to a drawn-out chase."
"Alistair grew up in England during the turbulent reign of Edward II."
"Alistair’s father was one of the barons who continually fought against Edward’s attempts."
"He loved his birds and spent more time with them than with people."
"Alistair listened in horror, shocked at the change that had come over his father."
"Alistair tried to reason with his father, to no avail."
"Unable to restrain himself, Alistair slaughtered most of them."
"Charlotte was added to Maria’s newborn army."
"She trusted him enough that she broke into a sprint without a second of doubt."
"Peter knew Jasper had saved his life, and he felt indebted."
"Peter tried to discover what was making Jasper so miserable."
"Peter missed Jasper, but couldn’t help but enjoy how much happier he and Charlotte were without him."
"Pire was the beautiful one, and Huilen was the strong, capable one."
"Huilen was a good hunter and protector, and they did well on their own."
"Huilen hunted for Nahuel until he was able to hunt for himself."
"Joham fathered a child with Pire within their first two weeks together."
"Joham decided not to alienate his son further by killing the aunt."
"Nahuel found it very easy to pass as a human."
"Quil Ateara V is shorter than Embry, but is more muscular."
"Sam Uley is very tall, with cropped black hair."
"Sam believed he’d gone insane and was having delusions."
"Sam’s high body temperature and recent unexplained disappearance made the situation clear to Old Quil."
"Sam was unable to calm himself once the fury hit."
"Sam tried to move away from Emily, throwing his hand up to warn her away."
"Sam eventually calmed down enough to become human again."
"But Emily had asked for him to visit because she knew how horrified he would be and how unintentional his action had been."
"Sam was never able to forgive himself entirely, but he put those feelings aside as much as possible to make Emily happy."
"As the pack grew, Sam struggled with his role, sometimes being too slow to take command, other times going too far with his authority."
"When Jacob was born, he saw the curse of his wolf heritage for the first time."
"Yet Billy remembers them making a noise like laughter as they went for one last run through the woods."
"She shared Leah’s relief when Sam came home, and then Leah’s frustration when Sam wouldn’t confide in her."
"He raised his hand, warning her away, but she kept on."
"The pain and shock sent her into unconsciousness."
"She realized that Sam was the one person she wanted with her."