
Once More With Feeling Quotes

Once More With Feeling by Elissa Sussman

Once More With Feeling Quotes
"Every show, every role, every performance, is a chance to start fresh. Every day is a new opportunity for success."
"You’re all here because you love the theatre, because you want to be a part of this very special show. You’re professionals. You’re the best of the best."
"I knew the song, but I couldn’t remember the last time I’d sung it."
"The audition room, the final notes plinking away in complete silence, I opened my eyes."
"I’d had my moment and perhaps it was dangerous and foolish to think that I could try again."
"I wasn’t opposed to auditioning as a concept. I understood and respected the purpose of the exercise."
"There was talent here—plenty of it—but that didn’t discourage me."
"But I’d never had those dreams when I was on tour. The weird thing about them was even though I woke up feeling stressed and exhausted, I also felt nostalgic."
"Remember how much you can't stand him, I ordered myself."
"Remember that he's condescending and smug and he completely, utterly threw you under the bus to save his own ass."
"This is what I wanted. What I’d always wanted."
"I could pay off my parents’ mortgage, buy my sister a place of her own, but I knew that even offering would leave me feeling disappointed."
"If anything, the fewer questions you asked Wyatt, the better off you’d be."
"I wasn’t mean or cruel or thoughtless. I just didn’t put everyone else’s needs before my own anymore."
"The truth was that I hadn’t resisted because I disagreed with my management. I’d refused to have it done because I was terrified of needles and blood, and everything associated with something like that."
"But it invigorates you. I can see it on your face when you get offstage—you’re…you’re…you’re like a big glowing ball of energy."
"Because at the end of the day, it was fun. It was joyful. It was an adrenaline rush. It was big and broad and bold."
"I thought you and Harriet were going to ride together."
"I was surprised he hadn’t said anything about her—that after the kiss, she hadn’t come up as a reason why it was a bad idea."
"I knew exactly what was going through her head."
"I realized I didn’t know where Cal called home anymore."
"I couldn’t tell him that in a way, I’d been waiting over a decade for it."
"I just had to stop thinking about the kiss. About his hands. About the way he smelled."
"I wasn’t afraid of heights, exactly, but I didn’t love the idea of being half naked, suspended above a crowd in freezing cold weather. Alone."
"I’ve had a relationship with this theatre for many years."
"I like dancing. It’s kind of like a superpower, almost, being able to control your body like that—being able to make it do what you want."
"But it has to be fun," he said. "Or else what’s the point?"
"Want to try again?" he asked. "I have a few other ideas on how to make it better."
"How much are you going to change?" Cal shrugged. "As much as you let me."
"As long as we look like we know what we’re doing, she doesn’t really care."
"Not bad," she said. "But next time—with feeling."
"I love you too," I would tell Ryan, because that wasn’t exactly a lie.
"Everyone knows we’re together," he said. "And it’s good for both of us."
"I just want to keep our private life more private, okay?"
"You think it’s fair that I have to stand onstage every fucking night and listen to your absolute idiot of a boyfriend dedicate our songs to you?"
"You don’t get to talk to me about fair, Katee."
"I get it," Cal said. "I think you’re the one who’s confused."
"Sometimes you have to make it happen. You can’t wait."
"It doesn't matter what the press writes. It doesn't matter if people come to the show because they remember you. What matters is that they'll be in the audience when you show everyone exactly how fucking talented you are."
"You’re both grown-ups. You love each other. You shouldn’t be making decisions based on my opinion."
"I'm not asking for another chance. I just wanted you to know. Okay?"