
The Monk Quotes

The Monk by Matthew Gregory Lewis

The Monk Quotes
"If I meet in that world which I am constrained to enter, some lovely female—lovely as you—Madona—!"
"In this lone cave, in garments lowly, alike a foe to noisy folly and brow-bent gloomy melancholy, I wear away my life."
"Your fortune? You are now so old, good dame, that 'tis already told."
"In that fearful moment think upon me! Think upon your cruelty! Think upon Agnes, and despair of pardon."
"Nature loses all her charms in his eyes: no one is near him to point out her beauties or share in his admiration of her excellence and variety."
"Reflect upon it for a moment. This abbey is become your asylum: your regularity, your gentleness, your talents have rendered you the object of universal esteem."
"Would to God that I were never to see you more, and could forget that I had ever seen you!"
"I reflected that my heart is free; I shall separate from you with regret, but not with despair."
"I quitted my cell, determined upon dismissing the feigned Rosario."
"You must lay yourself out to please; you must labour to gain the approbation of those to whom you are presented."
"I have no other resource; I run still greater risk of perishing with cold by passing the night in the forest."
"Would he but say, that were he not already affianced to the church, he would not have despised Matilda!"
"I am incapable of seducing you to error; and surely your virtue is established on a basis too firm to be shaken by unwarranted desires."
"A single man against three; however, I resolved at least to sell my life as dearly as I could."
"I had rather she had stayed away. The Spaniard was a secure prey; now we must let in the band for a share."
"I am fearful of being summoned by their domestics to produce them in the morning."
"In spite of all my endeavours to conceal it, my agitation was but too visibly expressed upon my countenance."
"God knows, that I little thought at that moment of ever seeing it!"
"Whether they believed me or not, I will not pretend to say."
"I shuddered involuntarily as Baptiste entered the room."
"I saw those prospects on the point of closing in the most horrible manner."
"The villain! I well knew the accident to which he alluded."
"The fact was, that while my conversation turned upon one subject, my thoughts were entirely occupied by another."
"The profound sleep in which she was plunged, made him at first tremble for her life."
"I was conscious that this proceeding was cruel, and could only be justified by the urgency of circumstances."
"You forget yourself, Segnor: you owe respect to my age as well as my profession."
"To know her wish of quitting our society is a sufficient reason for me to wish her absence."
"Her crimes were great; and when you know the cause of her death, you will doubtless rejoice."
"She was taken ill on Thursday last on returning from confession in the Capuchin chapel."
"How, Segnor? Is it possible that your countenance expresses no surprise, no indignation?"
"If I at first concealed her death, it was from dreading lest an event so unexpected should produce on you too violent an effect."
"I fear that even a second bull from the pope will not procure your sister’s resurrection."
"Farewell, Segnor," said she; "I know no remedy for this accident."
"I have been expecting you with impatience," said she; "my life depends upon these moments."
"Judge then what must have been our consternation, our horror, when she was delivered the next day of a still-born child, whom she immediately followed to the grave."
"The crickets sing, and man’s o’erlaboured sense repairs itself by rest."
"In every heart to find a slave, in every soul to fix his reign."
"Oh! had some spirit deigned to sing, your partner is the water-king!"
"The water-king then swift he went; to Mary’s church his steps he bent."
"Such is the power of Love, and oh! I grieve so well Love’s power to know."
"Behold me, thou false one! behold me! Remember Alonzo the Brave!"
"She shrieks, but shrieks in vain; for high the wild winds rising dull the cry."
"Warned by this tale, ye damsels fair, to whom you give your love beware!"
"The face was Donna Elvira’s, I must confess; but out of its mouth came clouds of fire."
"At midnight four times in each year does her spright, when mortals in slumber are bound."
"I protest, that I saw them with my own eyes."
"No one comes! No! They have forgotten me! They will come no more!"
"Two days! Two long, long days, and yet no food!"
"In our own strength unhappily secure, too little cautious of the adverse power."
"Oh! yes, yes; I remember... But why am I here? Let me go! I cannot stay here!"
"Spare me, father! Oh! spare me for God's sake!"
"What matters it where you are? This sepulchre seems to me Love's bower."
"I thought that I had wept away all my tears, but here is one still lingering."
"I am very cold: I am still unused to the damps of this dungeon."