
Impulse Quotes

Impulse by Ellen Hopkins

Impulse Quotes
"Sometimes you're traveling a highway, the only road you've ever known, and wham! A semi comes from nowhere and rolls right over you."
"Sometimes lives intersect, no rhyme, no reason, except, perhaps, for a passing semi."
"Wish you could turn off the questions, turn off the voices, turn off all sound."
"Act on your impulse, swallow the bottle, cut a little deeper, put the gun to your chest."
"Aspen Springs. Redwood Room. As if this place were a five-star resort, instead of a lockdown where crazies pace."
"I should have put the gun to my head, worried less about brain damage, more about getting dead."
"Sometimes it's dark and deep and bitter cold, where nightmares and truth collide, and you wonder if death could unfold fear so real."
"Wasted. That's the only way to get by in this 'treatment center.'"
"A long time ago, but it wasn't exactly my idea. Shit happens, as they say, and my shit literally hit the fan."
"I wasn't worried about getting hooked, though I knew plenty of heroin addicts."
"Cloistered. I can't remember when it has snowed so much, yards and yards of lacy ribbons, wrapping the world in white."
"Like I'm here, but I'm not. Like someone cares. But they don't. Like I belong somewhere else, anywhere but here."
"The first cut wasn't the deepest. No, not at all."
"Pain isn't the worst thing. At least you know you're not just a shadow, darkening someone's wall."
"It doesn't seem so incredibly insane to me. In fact, it seems courageous to, for once in your life, make others react to a plan you set in motion."
"I reach for a lavender Ralph Lauren shirt, ironed into submission, collar starched into crisp, straight Vs."
"When you try the big S, the first thing they do is lock you away by yourself."
"The worst liars are the ones everyone thinks would never, ever tell a lie."
"I heard my brother's scream through the cloud that had veiled my brain, coloring everything crimson."
"I swallow the capsule, wait for the flood of silver to gush through my bloodstream, settle in my brain."
"I haven't let myself think about her since this whole stinking mess began."
"Funny how much you can learn about someone, by opening your ears while they talk about themselves."
"Life isn't fair, my dad has told me that at least a hundred times."
"The memory stirs sadness, it scatters around me like dust."
"But that crap about forgiveness really blew me away."
"Prozac can't help lift me out of the place I'm in now."
"They're both in class, of course, Conner would be in the advanced class."
"Our forefathers envisioned the Bill of Rights as a safety net--necessary corrections of the Constitution's oversights."
"Freedom is a double-edged ideal, because true freedom comes without the protection of laws that also enslave us."
"Happiness escapes me there, where faces are vague and yesterday seems to come tied up in ribbons of pain."
"Memory is a tenuous thing, flickering glimpses, blue and white, like ancient, decomposing 16mm film."
"My happiest memories have no place in the past; they are those I have yet to create."
"I've swallowed most of my pride, dressed down in sweats, showered naked with creeps."
"I wonder how it feels to possess such courage."
"Pressed against the curve of her back, my fingers trace the contours of one breast, and then the other."
"I'm not afraid of going home. It's just that I'm happier here, where I don't have to evade questions no one wants the answers to."
"Pop a Valium with a Prozac, you don't care where you are, or who's talking in the other room."
"You're ready, Conner. You are stronger than you know."
"Love means holding on to someone just as hard as you can."
"I'm not an athlete. Not even close. This is really hard. But I love it."
"I've never felt so right before. Never felt so in love before."
"In fact, except for you, Phillip, I can't remember ever feeling love for anyone."
"I'll be okay. And hey, if I get stuck halfway, refuse to go farther do me a favor and give me a push, okay? Not forward. Over the side."