
Scrappy Little Nobody Quotes

Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick

Scrappy Little Nobody Quotes
"When I was thirteen I started making lists. I’ve always liked structure, and I thought if I broke it down into steps, I could will myself to fit in."
"Here’s the thing about crazy: It. Wants. Out."
"My handwriting as an angsty teen was appalling, yet somehow better than it is now."
"Shit, I thought, I used to be tough. I used to be brave. I used to be a better version of me."
"I miss being a scrappy little nobody. I was much more capable."
"I never let anyone, not even friends, into my bedroom or my purse."
"Let’s agree now that we’re just having a conversation and I happen to talk more than I listen."
"I’ve been prepared to be an outsider most of my life."
"You’re still scrappy. You just get a lot more emails now."
"All you need to be a writer is perseverance, a low-level alcohol dependency, and a questionable moral compass."
"Like a dying star, the desire burned brightly and disappeared quickly."
"Deep down I knew I didn’t want to go to college."
"I needed the fear. I needed to be forced to rely on myself, and the dream, and sometimes unemployment checks."
"I think self-doubt is healthy. And having to fight for the thing you want doesn’t mean you deserve it any less."
"The world would have ended before I’d allow myself to be late."
"The irony was that we were in the company of five full-time members of the New York City Opera, but their skill level so exceeded ours that we could almost no longer understand it to be impressive."
"Sometimes the terror was so overwhelming that if I’d been offered an apprenticeship scrubbing the floor of a button factory, I would have thought, Fine, I can’t take this anymore."
"I didn’t want to be with someone else, but I guess I don’t want to miss out on any opportunities."
"I guess I’ve got to count on myself. Which is not great news."
"I felt alive. I didn’t just feel different, I felt like I had superpowers."
"I can’t feel bad that I’m not one of the pretty girls if I’m actively making myself look weird! Loophole!"
"Given the choice, with no effort required, guys would rather have sex with me than not have sex with me? This changed everything!"
"I wanted to do whatever I was supposed to do to promote a movie of that caliber, and I was excited about the prospect of playing dress-up in free clothes."
"If I mention in an email that I think some designer makes especially beautiful dresses, and my stylist never gets back to me about it, I can assume she didn’t want to say, 'No, honey, that designer is a huge deal and you’ve been in one movie that hasn’t come out yet.'"
"Making movies is a fool’s errand. It’s madness. And there’s never a guarantee that it will work."
"Fame doesn’t change much else. It doesn’t change how you feel about your high school 'nemesis' or how your passive-aggressive uncle treats you."
"I am now pretty annoying about cutting out the middle man, a.k.a. ignoring the chain of command and bothering the person in charge of an entire film set about every little problem I have."
"People ask me now if I get nervous about being 'too' honest on social media. The alternative is much more terrifying."
"I’d prefer to be around people who have any of the above qualities over 'niceness,' and I’d prefer it if that applied to me, too. I’m also okay if the most accurate description of me is nervous, and a little salty."
"Real glamour is opening night at the opera, or a lavish wedding on a tropical cliffside."
"Getting out of the car is always a little fun, I'll admit, because I like to go out the 'wrong' side."
"I feel like I'm a slightly taller Kim Jong-un and it's dope as hell."
"They don’t want a good picture, they need a good picture."
"You cannot give any indication that a hundred people are shouting at you like drowning victims begging for a lifeboat."
"There should be special training for this, like they did with horses in the First World War."
"I have said those words verbatim. Why do they keep inviting me back?"
"Men don’t answer questions exclusively about their clothes; why should we?"
"I get into sweatpants and a hoodie with no bra, but for the moment I keep on the jewelry and makeup."
"She walked steadily past us, leaned against a pillar, and closed her eyes."