
Grip Of The Shadow Plague Quotes

Grip Of The Shadow Plague by Brandon Mull

Grip Of The Shadow Plague Quotes
"Not only was Fablehaven a dangerous place to roam alone, he was terrified of getting spotted so far from the yard."
"He had become familiar with the woods surrounding the main house, and despite the concerns of his grandparents, he had proven to himself that he could explore safely."
"Many people had come and gone from Fablehaven over the summer."
"The more people who were at the house, the more eyes would be watching to impede his unauthorized expeditions."
"Because of the milk he had drunk that morning, Seth knew it was actually a butterfly."
"I still think I should get paid extra since you need my help collecting it."
"His Grandpa Sorenson worked hard to limit the amount of technology on the preserve."
"We know about plenty of treasure hidden around Fablehaven."
"There’s a lesson for you — don’t try to threaten the supreme gigantic overlords. We do as we please."
"As to the possibility of mythical creatures actually existing, they appear to have none at all."
"It’s not a game. I created the rule for a reason."
"Let your grandpa and me keep working on that, we still have another week or so."
"This golden mask sees through all the silver ones. I have to know all the Knights under my command."
"You three novices are receiving knighthood today."
"The Captain almost always keeps the mask on. Our brotherhood exists mainly to combat a secretive and subtle organization."
"Despite being called the Knights of the Dawn, this is not a military body. Titles like ‘Captain’ and ‘Lieutenant’ are strictly for organizational purposes."
"You can quit the brotherhood at any time. We do demand secrecy, however."
"We are friends to all magical creatures and to the refuges where they dwell."
"I beg your pardon, but aren't these two a little young for this kind of service?"
"Given these dangerous times, we’ve tightened our entry requirements more than ever."
"Congratulations, your knighthood is official. Glad to have you on our side."
"Since before you were a Lieutenant. Since we last spoke, you’ve seen the Captain without his mask."
"I suspect, were our positions reversed, I would feel as you do."
"We need to keep on our toes now more than ever. Are you ready for your assignment?"
"I may have overdone it. Care to share the spark?"
"I order you in the name of the Queen to keep my identity a secret."
"We need to determine how this plague started, in order to find a way to stop it."
"The Sphinx expects you will soon be dead. You have two options. Abandon the preserve. Or try to figure out how to stop this plague."
"I'm still not convinced that the Captain is not the Sphinx."
"I find the fact that they are after another artifact incredibly suspicious, especially since they seem intent on charging it."
"The coming season may be our darkest, but I am convinced it will also be our greatest."
"An advantage to the treaty is that we know what creatures are here. We have them catalogued."
"I think we better get inside," Tanu said, backing toward the door. "Just because I can’t see him doesn’t mean you don’t."
"How could any creature have remained in the mansion after Midsummer Eve?"
"I’m not scared," Seth said. "I just hoped I’d found something useful."
"This year, I had stayed in bed on Midsummer Eve. Peeking out the window had hardly been a temptation."
"None have found the Flooded Stairs in centuries. Many assumed the pathway existed only in lore."
"As blind as you seem, sooner or later you’ll arrive at the same conclusion I did."
"It’s hard to say what might do the trick, but something along those lines is worth a try."
"The situation is dire enough that if he would let me go with him, I would simply take the risk."
"The only benefit had been to satisfy his curiosity, and he had nearly gotten his family killed."
"Stupidity was when you took risks for no good reason. Courage was when you took a calculated risk in order to accomplish something important."
"I’m sorry some of the people at Lost Mesa didn’t make it."
"I’ve always been immune to the charms of dragons."
"Nothing has caught my interest in hundreds of years."
"Life holds no more meaning than one chooses to impose."
"The only thing more alarming than what is in that cave will be your punishment if we somehow survive."
"Even when you try your best to prepare, these preserves can be deadly."
"When jumping is the sole option, you jump, and try to make it work."
"Right, none of us are, we’re well-traveled gentlemen, above all that."
"In this predicament, we had a single certitude — mercy would not have come to your rescue."
"I’m not aiming to lose. And if I do, at this point in time, my life is over and done with."
"There is always somebody out there to humble you!"
"I have the upper hand here. Yield, or I’ll break your bones one by one."
"To yield, or to lie before an audience while a human humiliates you with his bare hands?"
"Which is worse? To yield, or to lie before an audience while a human humiliates you with his bare hands?"
"With a meaningful glance, Seth and Kendra communicated what they both realized. Nobody was coming to help them."
"No time," Kendra said, charging after a fourth dark dryad, feeling almost like she was on a playground. She was It, and this was a high-stakes game of tag."
"You’re thinking about it all backward," Patton said firmly. "Around you, people who should have died live on."
"None of us could have seen that coming," Patton said. "We were contending with unexplored powers."
"You and Lena saved us all. I would rather it had been me, I would give anything, anything, but such wishing is futile."
"You are truly extraordinary — it goes far beyond anything fairies could bestow."
"Why did life always have to roll relentlessly forward? Why was every victory or defeat followed by new worries and new problems?"
"Marveling at how fine a line divided dreading the future from looking forward to it."