
Cocktails For Three Quotes

Cocktails For Three by Madeleine Wickham

Cocktails For Three Quotes
"You can’t hang about if you wanted a table at the Manhattan Bar."
"These days a young, attractive after-work crowd came flocking in every evening."
"Good-Time Gordon had been very clever like that."
"She’s downstairs in reception waiting, in case you say yes."
"I can’t believe this place... It’s beautiful!"
"This is her chance to make things right. It was like... a gift."
"I always drink champagne on special occasions, and this occasion is very special indeed. Don’t you agree?"
"The thought of going and actually trudging through my own muddy fields exhausted me. It wasn’t as if they were particularly beautiful or interesting. Just fields."
"I’ve learned not to treasure anything much, because you can lose it all overnight, with no warning."
"I suppose it’s just that one of us has finally grown up. Real life has begun. The question is— are we ready for it?"
"I’ve got used to him being my little secret."
"I want to be a good person. I want to try."
"But she would not. She would be stronger than that."
"The truth was, that there was no conceivable alternative. She couldn’t stop loving him; she couldn’t just move to a new country and pretend he didn’t exist."
"We’re so close, and yet we don’t really know each other."
"God, that's good. I haven't tasted proper alcohol for weeks."
"It's not fair on Heather, come to that."
"Don't give me any of your grief, Hamish!"
"Why wouldn't I like her, for that matter?"
"Looks like the party's over. Let's get the bill."
"God knows! I mean, how many has she had tonight? I just thought maybe she should move onto the soft stuff."
"I can’t believe it! I don’t know what she can have been thinking of."
"Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut."
"She’s taken against me all along. I’ve done my best to be friendly..."
"I’m going to have a little word with Roxanne."
"She’s probably on her way to work by now, wouldn’t you think?"
"I can’t! I don’t have another time. This was my time!"
"How could she have said such an awful thing to Maggie?"
"Have a safe trip home and come back soon."
"Hope all is well with you. The weather is moderately fine here."
"I hear one of your friends tipped a cocktail over Heather last night."
"I made huge sacrifices to be here, Candice, and I’ve hardly spoken a word to you all evening!"
"What, so we’re a little clique, are we? No-one else can enter."
"I feel as though I’ve failed them both; failed everybody."
"She does everything so well, and I do everything so..."
"I have to thank you, by the way, for giving me such sound advice."
"I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s like a fairytale."
"You women! You’ve been bloody plotting behind my back, haven’t you?"
"You bet I do. You don’t get off that lightly."
"I feel as though her taste buds, along with everything else, had been temporarily dulled and then sprung back to life."
"I stayed here quite a bit. When my parents were splitting up. I used to sit in front of that window, playing with my trains. Sad little git, really."
"I’ve got everything wrong, haven’t I? It’s as if I’ve been seeing everything upside down."
"I love it. When you said a house, I imagined... I had no idea."
"What does that mean about what my father did to her family? He must have utterly ruined their lives."