
Flawed Quotes

Flawed by Cecelia Ahern

Flawed Quotes
"I AM A girl of definitions, of logic, of black and white. Remember this."
"NEVER TRUST A man who sits, uninvited, at the head of the table in another man’s home."
"The early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."
"Punctual is ‘acting or arriving exactly at the time appointed.’ You’re not punctual; you’re always ridiculously early."
"Laziness in maintaining their outside represents who they are on the inside."
"I can’t be afraid of someone whose human side I see and know."
"They are not imprisoned; they haven’t done anything illegal but have carried out acts that are seen as damaging to society."
"Judge Bosco Crevan is seen as a hero to many."
"The trouble with being punctual is that there’s nobody there to see it."
"When you see something, it can’t be unseen. When you hear a sound, it can never be unheard."
"LET’S ADDRESS THE elephant in the room."
"The Guild must observe the accepted teaching about the sanctity of life."
"You just never know what those among us, whom we consider friends, are really like."
"Instruments are a luxury the Flawed don’t deserve."
"THE SIRENS RING out, long, low, warning."
"BUT THEY DON’T run to us; they go in the opposite direction, to the Tinders’ house."
"I wait for the outpouring of love from my neighbors."
"I’m the poster girl. One side wants to use me to prove the Guild is biased; the Guild wants to use me to prove that it isn’t."
"I don’t know how long I sit like this; it could be minutes, it could be hours, but my heart flits from calm to panic as I reason with myself."
"I can’t be Flawed. I can’t be Flawed. I am perfect."
"It is the only way you will go free, prevent being branded for life, prevent being Ousted. It is the only way."
"I can smell your brain burning. You okay?"
"I have never seen or heard Mom like this, and she’s scaring me."
"I feel Soldier’s disgust through the wall, and I don’t blame him."
"I think of the definition of what the Guild is: It is not a function of the Guild to administer justice; its work is solely inquisitorial."
"He’s perfect, and yet I don’t trust him."
"Every single medium is going to use you for its own motivations."
"I must become imperfect to prove that I am perfect."
"I think of the many people over the decades who have walked this walk, who walk over perfect and walk back Flawed."
"I must ignore the madness and find stillness within myself."
"If you think I will let my son go anywhere near you ever again, you are delusional."
"I know this connection seems so intense over such a short period, but I feel as though I’m in a pressure cooker."
"I take a deep breath as the doors open, and I am greeted with sights and sounds that I could never have prepared myself for."
"Everyone speaks on my behalf now anyway. They speak about me like I’m not in the room."
"Sleep. Nothing but sleep, and pain, and disturbed dreams."
"I close my eyes and allow the pills I’ve just taken to help me drift away again."
"One luxury a week is all a Flawed is allowed to have. It is part of the basic living we must abide by, so that we can purify ourselves."
"I look at her properly. 'How are you, Mom? You look tired,' I say tenderly."
"I stand naked in front of the mirror, my dressings removed. I hate what I see."
"I’m not here to see Colleen. I’m here for my piano lesson."
"It’s Thursday. I always have piano lessons on Thursdays."
"She thinks it’s damaged her hands. That she can’t play anymore."
"I play for myself. I play better than I have ever played before, getting lost in my head as my fingers glide over the keys."
"I’ve learned that lots of people run away without even going anywhere."
"I’m running and running and running in my mind, through endless nothing but feeling free."
"Tears stream down her face. ‘You play,’ I whisper."
"This is not my hand! These are not my fingers!"
"What did you do? Nothing, both Juniper and I reply at the same time."
"I’m not condoning what Celestine North did, but her actions, and recent comments, raise serious and valid points that must be questioned and answered by our government."
"You are what the movement needs, Celestine, but remember you don’t need them. Don’t let them use you."
"You didn’t actually think I’d invite you to my birthday, did you?"
"If you do not admit repentance, then I will lock you up here all night and no one will be able to find you."
"I want everybody’s pity, because then I will know that everyone is human, instead of whatever it is everybody is now."
"If you make a mistake, you learn from it. If you never make a mistake, you're never the wiser."
"The more mistakes you have made, the more you have learned."
"People want money or power. Which do you want?"
"That’s not what I said. You can trust her as long as you’re aware of where she stands."
"Actions speak louder than words, remember that."
"Being honest and ethical and adhering to the principles of fairness and justice."
"You can’t put me in prison for standing beside these two men. You are a police officer, not a Whistleblower."
"You can’t blame yourself for what happened on the bus. It was all my own doing."