
The Butcher And The Wren Quotes

The Butcher And The Wren by Alaina Urquhart

The Butcher And The Wren Quotes
"Nature always makes the best soundtrack."
"Sometimes he feels like he was born in the wrong generation."
"People are just too dumb to understand that their own predilections are suggestive of a gene pool that is rooted in brutality."
"He is not so different from the corpse flower."
"You’d be surprised how many secrets the dead have told me."
"Sometimes improvisation is necessary when the right people show up."
"Death and pain cannot be explained in an autopsy report, not really. It’s primal and cannot be taught in a classroom or lab."
"How can a line under her finger tell this woman all of that?"
"It’s amazing what administrative burnout can allow to fall through the cracks."
"It’s fake. A lucky guess. She probably has seen me in the press or something."
"You ever hear the phrase ‘C5, stay alive’?"
"People look for patterns that aren’t there because they are scared shitless."
"It’s normal to feel nervous. I’m nervous too. But our job is to ignore that and get to the task at hand."
"The problem is these people are redirecting the focus now."
"Let’s try to have the festival canceled? Is that even possible this late in the game?"
"An external examination is not something you can just half-ass as a medical examiner or coroner. It’s vital to the process."
"This is Emma’s time to speak, not Wren’s time to grieve."
"Despite her heavy lids, it’s clear to Wren that these eyes were once brilliantly blue. Unforgettable."
"She can feel her heart race at the thought, and her hands begin to tremble."
"Diligence pays off when you least expect it."
"His voice broke as he recounted how they challenged and motivated each other."
"It’s rare for Jeremy to feel out of control."
"The air is so nice tonight. I thought we could go for a walk."
"Calm down, Tara! Did you know that the meat actually tastes worse when the animal displays extreme fear before slaughter?"
"He throws one of the rocks with as much force as he can muster."
"I’m sorry, Muller. I don’t know what to say."
"I’m not. But I will be once this is finally over."
"He has patience. He has discipline. He has plans."
"He’s looking for another rabbit that can run."
"I have some blow back at my place. Come with me."
"Tara Kelley. White, female, twenty-nine years old."
"Jeremy spins the antique ring between his fingers."
"It’s like a shot of adrenaline to the chest."
"It’s shocking that he would get this sloppy now."