
The Master And Margarita Quotes

The Master And Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

The Master And Margarita Quotes
"Manuscripts don't burn" - Expresses an absolute trust in the triumph of poetry, imagination, the free word, over terror and oppression.
"Cowardice is the most terrible of vices" - A profound statement on the nature of fear and its deep impact on human behavior and society.
"You are no longer interested in anyone's fate but your own" - Reflects on the self-centered nature of humans when faced with personal crises.
"The very language of the novel was a contradiction of everything wooden, official, imposed" - Highlights the power of language and literature to challenge and defy authoritarian norms.
"The truth is, first of all, that your head aches, and aches so badly that you're having faint-hearted thoughts of death" - A metaphorical statement on the pain and struggles of life and the human condition.
"Man governs it himself" - A statement on human agency and the power of individuals to shape their own destinies.
"The kingdom of truth and justice, where generally there will be no need for any authority" - Envisions an ideal world free from the constraints and corruptions of power.
"There are no evil people in the world" - A philosophical view on the inherent goodness of humanity.
"To speak the truth is easy and pleasant" - An affirmation of the value and simplicity in honesty and integrity.
"All authority is violence over people" - A critical view on the nature of power and its impact on society.
"I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good." - A profound paradox highlighting the complex nature of good and evil.
"It's the third year I've paid in so as to send my wife with goitre to this paradise, but there's nothing to be spied amidst the waves."
"He's dead, and has no need of any telegrams."
"What makes them bad? The truth, he was telling the truth!"
"I can't conceive ... Is there anything special in the words: 'The snowstorm covers ...'? I don't understand!"
"The only thing that will bring you back to life is two glasses of vodka with something pickled and hot to go with it."
"No aspirin will help you. Follow the wise old rule - cure like with like."
"What a question! Why, here, of course, my dear Foka! Archibald Archibaldovich whispered to me today that there will be perch au naturel done to order."
"I'm now interested most of all in Pontius Pilate."
"The previous day was thus coming gradually into focus, but right now Styopa was much more interested in today's day and, particularly, in the appearance in his bedroom of a stranger."
"Really! I get the feeling that you followed the vodka with port wine! Good heavens, it simply isn't done!"
"Good heavens, Grigory Danilovich, in my opinion you oughtn't to send the money."
"The man was personally acquainted with Pontius Pilate, what could be more interesting than that?"
"But what about the criminal investigation..."
"It's all fluctuating and relative, Nikanor Ivanovich."
"Ah, Berlioz, Berlioz! This is simply too much for one head!"
"He's as much a director as I'm a bishop."
"In general, reminiscent of the former ones... only the housing problem has corrupted them."
"Mankind loves money, whatever it's made of- leather, paper, bronze, gold."
"Mercy sometimes knocks at their hearts... ordinary people."
"You'll find that same deck, esteemed citizens, on citizen Parchevsky in the seventh row."
"The seance is over! Maestro! Hack out a march!"
"Welcome, Nikanor Ivanovich, turn over your currency!"
"The concealing of currency is senseless. No one can make use of it under any circumstances."
"Your basic error consists in underestimating the significance of the human eye."
"The truth which the question stirs up from the bottom of your soul leaps momentarily into your eyes, and it's all over!"
"I warn you that the same sort of thing, if not worse, is going to happen to you if you don't turn over your currency!"
"Have you ever seen the like? Why, it'll get damp and mouldy there!"