
Everyone Is Beautiful Quotes

Everyone Is Beautiful by Katherine Center

Everyone Is Beautiful Quotes
"Isn't that the number one rule of parenting? Don't Make Things Worse?"
"It's a moment that stands clear in my memory: in particular, the rush of excitement that came with the prospect of finding my lost self again."
"Children, despite their infinite charms, are an absolute assault on a marriage."
"You can't really furnish a terrifically hip apartment for next to nothing."
"I had convinced Peter to put his photo on the flyers, insisting that he had far more sex appeal than the woodcut image of piano keys he'd started with."
"My mother was not a person to tolerate things being anything other than how they should be."
"I was hoping that, witnessing a reunion of two women who had a real connection to each other, the when-are-you-due girl might feel out of place and wander off."
"We were under it, sometimes. Or above it. Or against it. Or in arm's reach of it. Or in shouting distance of it. Or rubbing shoulders with it. But not in it."
"I might have been fueled by my fight-or-flight reaction to the woman in khaki pants, but I stood up and gave Amanda Hayes, a girl I'd barely known in high school, a hug."
"I'm pretty sure I actually gasped. 'Who is it?' I asked, as Connor and I stood near the coffee urn, tray to tray."
"But I kept going to the gym. I went night after night, no matter how tired I was."
"To tell the truth, even after the first week, I was feeling different."
"It was nice to be doing something that was only for me."
"What I needed so desperately, and did not have in my life, was something I could point to and say, ‘I did that.’ Something that was a direct reflection of me."
"I was feeling good. I was feeling spry. I was having crazy moments of total elation."
"I was also starting, more and more, to feel like a gym person."
"You poured inordinate amounts of time and attention and affection into your kids, but the result was indirect."
"But you're doing a great job of raising them."
"Plump mommies are very good to have, because they are supersoft to cuddle with."
"I don't want to have to go through a whole thing with you about it."
"I'll call you after we get there, and I'll answer all your questions."
"I will talk to you about all this at a better time."
"You're going to fish your artistic dreams out of the toilet and start taking some pictures."
"It's not about what I want, sweetheart. It's about what you want."
"I decided to play it cool. ‘I'm a little bit plump these days,’ I said."
"It was as if he were trying to climb into the keys somehow."
"I couldn't decide if I should walk past the common room or sneak up the back stairs and avoid the issue altogether."
"I was so consumed by my new hobby, in fact, that I hardly even blinked when Peter told me he won the Hamilton Fellowship."
"I loved moving through all the crazy personal moments happening all around me and recording the most vivid."
"I'm just not sure I'm a kinky sex kind of a girl."
"Sometimes it's worse to remember a thing than to forget it entirely."
"You're either going to be great at it, which will be worse."
"But now I was home, and ready to crank up the stereo with some Sarah Vaughn and invite in some company."
"Most of our kisses these days happened on the way to something else."
"But it's not about us anymore. It's about them. We're supposed to empty ourselves out."
"But there was no way, of course, that I could have been that lucky."
"I was proud of him, happy for him, and wanted to support him, but I was also jealous of him."
"I wasn't trying to pretend that the childbearing years and the stretch marks and the wetting my pants when I sneezed had never happened."
"It sparked some kind of visceral memory of what it felt like to be so very young and have the future waiting for her somewhere up ahead."
"He was completely sober that afternoon, and I found myself wishing he were that way all the time."
"I wasn't sure. Then I squinted: ‘Fifty bucks?’"
"That's the thing, I don't want to take out the trash."
"People are always beautiful when you love them."
"A marriage is such a fragile web of promises."
"Fear and passion are, like, practically the same thing."
"Every single person that walked past me had some kind of flaw."