
Dying To Be Me: My Journey From Cancer, To Near Death, To True Healing Quotes

Dying To Be Me: My Journey From Cancer, To Near Death, To True Healing by Anita Moorjani

Dying To Be Me: My Journey From Cancer, To Near Death, To True Healing Quotes
"Religion is just a path for finding truth: Religion is not truth. It is just a path. And different people follow different paths."
"Don’t be scared, darling. Just tell me everything that’s troubling you."
"Cancer is just a word that creates fear. Forget about that word, and let’s just focus on balancing your body."
"No illness can remain when your entire system is in balance."
"I felt victorious, as though I’d finally made the breakthrough."
"Every child, whether girl or boy, brings with them their own fate."
"I felt as though I were leading two separate lives."
"I wanted to see the world and maybe work as a travel photographer."
"My only aim is to help, not convince."
"I laughed and smiled and made small talk, even when I didn’t want to, because it was important to me not to cause concern or worry anyone else with my condition."
"I didn’t want others to feel upset or uncomfortable because of my situation, so I continued to put the feelings and needs of everyone else before my own."
"Many people remarked on how 'brave' I was, and how they admired the way I was dealing with my illness."
"In the presence of others, I always felt the need to perform at being happy and positive."
"Each morning, I woke up with a glimmer of hope: Today may just be the day that things turn around."
"Disillusioned, I started to question what I was fighting so hard to keep."
"I was beginning to give up. I was getting ready to admit that I was beaten."
"I knew that people weren’t staring at me out of contempt or displeasure, but rather out of curiosity and, perhaps, a sense of pity."
"Soon, I found myself locked in my own cage of fear and desperation, where my experience of life was getting smaller and smaller."
"The world won’t stop if I’m not in it. I have nothing to worry about."
"As I was being rushed to the hospital, the world around me started to appear surreal and dreamlike."
"I wasn’t using my five biological senses, yet I was keenly taking everything in."
"I felt no emotional attachment to my seemingly lifeless body as it lay there on the hospital bed."
"My soul was finally realizing its true magnificence!"
"I felt a sense of freedom and liberation that I’d never experienced in my physical life before."
"I felt that people had lost the ability to see the magic of life."
"Everyone was so caught up with doing that they’d all forgotten how to just be in the moment."
"There was only compassion, and the love was unconditional."
"A self-actualized and happy individual would never carry out such deeds!"
"We haven’t created a society that promotes both mental and physical healing."
"Even their death was perfect, and everything would unfold in the way it was meant to."
"I no longer viewed death in the same way as others did."
"I knew it would be hard for others to understand concepts such as there being no judgment after we die."
"I constantly felt a need to talk about my experience, to try to make sense of what happened."
"When death holds no horror, there isn’t much else left to be afraid of."
"I was also finding it challenging to integrate back into life."
"My criteria for work and for doing things in general are so different now."
"Fulfilling his dream seemed more important, as well as not living a life of regrets."
"It was an opportunity to do something more exciting!"
"We moved to a smaller home and cut back on a lot of our personal expenses."
"I knew that everything was going to be fine."
"I started to question what things we all presumed to be true but were, in fact, just socially determined beliefs."
"Does it serve me to continue to believe a lot of what I was brought up and taught to think?"
"I’d spent a lifetime judging myself, beating myself up for not meeting these expectations."
"We can’t be anything else, because that’s who we are—spiritual beings."
"True joy and happiness could only be found by loving myself, going inward, following my heart."
"I FOUND THAT HAVING AN INSIDE-OUT VIEW MEANS being able to fully trust my inner guidance."
"If I’m stressed, anxious, unhappy, or something similar, I go inward and tend to that first."
"Being "centered" is experiencing being at the center of my cosmic web."
"We never really become disconnected from the center."
"I may be merely reflecting to them what they were ready to experience."
"We all have the capacity to heal ourselves as well as facilitate the healing of others."
"When we heal others, we also heal ourselves and the planet."
"I have to handle mundane things such as household chores and paying the bills."
"I’ve also found that although I have made some new friends...I seem to have difficulty reconnecting with many of my old ones."
"I still reach out, and I really enjoy helping people gain greater understanding."
"I want to share with you the series of synchronicities that had to take place for this book to come into existence."
"I felt trepidation about sharing it openly and taking any overt action toward publicizing my story."
"I remained open at all times to all possibilities regarding how far my message would spread of its own accord."
"I felt a transformation in the room where I was speaking."
"I was ready to take on whatever life was going to deal me."
"I thought, Bring it on! Whatever you have in store for me, I’m open to it!"
"I spent the next few days walking on air, unable to eat or sleep."
"Wayne Dyer quoted me throughout his latest book."
"I’m a bit soft about these things—especially when seeing the vision from my NDE unfold before me."
"I still trusted what I’d felt during my experience and knew that all was well and as it should be."
"We’re all—every single one of us—unique, indispensable facets of the infinite universe."
"I allow how much of what I want to come into my life…or not!"
"Allowing doesn’t require effort. It feels more like a release, because it means realizing that since everything is One, that which I intend to get is already mine."
"The process of allowing happens by first trusting, and then by always being true to who I am."
"All I really do within each moment is to consciously live in that space, which is done internally, not externally."
"Pursuing what I desire only reinforces separation, whereas allowing means realizing that since we’re all One and everything is connected, that which I desire is already mine."
"Unconditional love is like pure, white light. When you shine it through a prism, it refracts into all the different colors of the rainbow."
"Only by embracing the full spectrum of our feelings without judgment, can we get in touch with the pure essence of unconditional love that resides at our core."
"Our real home is within each of us and follows us wherever we go."
"Being comfortable with uncertainty opens me up to all possibilities."
"In my experience, I became the Source, and there was total clarity."
"The more you reject something, the more it fights back for its own survival."