
Attachments Quotes

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

Attachments Quotes
"I’m sitting here among the shards of my life as I know it."
"I never drink, and it would just figure that the one time I decide to loosen up, I get pregnant."
"Three hours of weakness, and now I’m going to spend the rest of my life wrestling with the special needs of a fetal alcoholic."
"First I get sick. And then I get fat. And then I die of an aneurysm in the delivery room."
"I think he told the neighbors that I subscribed to Ms."
"Are we done pretending that you’re pregnant?"
"I was wearing a dusty bridesmaid dress and crying."
"I’d rather you said ‘I love you’ because you were so full of love for me that you couldn’t keep it in."
"I wish you wouldn’t talk to her like that. She’s your mother."
"I spend a lot of time looking at the back of your neck."
"Feeling like I wanted him too much, which just made me want him more."
"I thought about him the way you think about dinner when you haven’t eaten for a day and a half."
"I felt like a butterfly had landed on me. If I moved or even breathed, I thought he would float away."
"I spent a lot of time looking out of windows, trying to will him to me."
"I’m like a piece of debris in the middle of the road that he was driving around."
"I don’t believe you cheated on me. And even if you did, it doesn’t matter."
"I already love you so much. I couldn’t love anyone more than I do you, it would kill me."
"I would have happily studied at the college theater while Sam rehearsed, but she felt like I was drawing too much attention to her there."
"You’re reminding them that I’m other. That I’m a freshman, that I’m not from around here."
"I didn’t know we were ever going to break up. If you had told me that it was a foregone conclusion, I wouldn’t have followed you across the country."
"I told you, we don’t have to talk about this."
"You’re not allowed to politely not partake in their debauchery. That’s as good as passing judgment."
"The sun isn’t gone or cheating on you with some other planet."
"I hoped that we would both just know when it was time."
"I’m just not the same person that I was when I fell in love with you."
"You make infidelity sound like a hole in the sidewalk."
"You don’t get to choose. It’s just happening."
"It wasn’t that the sun is gone (or cheating on you with some other planet). You can still see it in the sky. It’s just farther away."
"How can we prepare for the worst-case scenario, if we don’t understand the worst-case scenario?"
"I’m like the petty older sister in a period drama. 'But Papa, she can’t get married before me. I’m the eldest.'"
"It’s not like he’s somebody else. It’s like he’s usually nobody at all."
"Every woman wants a man who’ll fall in love with her soul as well as her body."
"We’re having a baby? Oh, a baby. Our very own baby."
"All eyes will be on the bride. If no one is going to be looking at me, then why can’t I wear my fucking sweater?"
"I feel like I’ve known all along that something was bound to go wrong at some point in this pregnancy. It’s all been too easy so far."
"I can’t give him up. What would I have to look forward to?"
"It makes you seem unpredictable, like a sad chasm could emerge in your personality at any moment."
"It doesn’t seem like I should have been able to get to this life from my old one, like there aren’t even roads between those two places."
"Nothing is bound to go wrong. Nothing is bound, period."
"It doesn’t cost anything. It doesn’t mean anything."
"Being miserable about some bad thing that might not ever happen won’t do you any good."
"Worrying about a bad thing prepares you for it when it comes."
"Your midwife says it’s going to be okay because she spends her whole life working with pregnant women."
"Everyone—regardless of weight, chest size, back acne, stretch marks, hunched shoulders, or over-prominent clavicle—is forced to wear one."
"The whole point of clothing is to hide your shame."
"I disagree. I believe that worrying about a bad thing prepares you for it when it comes."
"If you worry, the bad thing doesn’t hit you as hard. You can roll with the punch if you see it coming."
"I’ll bet you’re going to have a really nice time at the wedding and feel bad for having dreaded it for months."
"Things get better—hurt less—over time. If you let them."
"Reading her reviews kept his memory of her alive in a way he probably shouldn’t want. Like a pilot light inside of him."
"You’d think that he would have thought about this moment, as much as he’d thought about her over the last few months."
"There are moments when you can’t believe something wonderful is happening."
"It felt like getting up from the warmest bed on the coldest morning."
"What could you possibly be thinking? She didn’t even know Lincoln. Not like he knew her."
"In all the time Lincoln was working at The Courier, reading Beth’s mail, thinking about her, he’d never really believed that there was a course of events, a path ahead of him or a route through the space-time continuum that would lead to this."
"You needed a window big enough for the casket."
"The lights fell, the projector squeaked to life, the ancient curtains parted, and Lincoln started putting on his jacket."
"Is this what it had felt like to kiss Sam? If it had been like this, maybe nine years wasn’t such a long time to get over Sam, after all."