
Midnight Thief Quotes

Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne

Midnight Thief Quotes
"A false step in the darkness would be deadly."
"Kyra didn’t consider herself the most astute judge of character."
"Her limbs silently promised her she would not fall."
"The moon was rising, a thin crescent above the horizon."
"She’d swallow her grappling hook before she’d believe that."
"Kyra took one last glance around the room, she crept back out the window."
"The Drunken Dog was an establishment that awoke at night and slept during the day."
"War is fickle. Just fight your best and let the ghosts of every battle rest in peace."
"I really think Idalee’s got more of a knack for this than I do."
"You really think she’ll be helpful, Bella? I don’t want them making trouble."
"I don’t remember much. Just really wanted to survive, I guess."
"You’ve taken a liking to them two, haven’t you? I don’t see you renting rooms for any of the other gutter mice."
"I could train Idalee… Please don’t. I’ve given up on straightening you out, but I still hold out hope for these girls."
"You’re old enough to understand now. My husband was gone. I couldn’t afford to be choosy."
"I see her in Flick sometimes. And the two of you gave me hope."
"You two are more innocent than you think, and less innocent than I’d like."
"I’ve gone over everything twice." "Go over it again."
"I don’t want to get used to sleeping in a bed. In case I have to go back out there."
"Why do you ask?" "No reason. I just like to remember what I take."
"What’s this talk of an attack?" "In the city, sir."
"You’re too timid. The way you react to fools like him. Like you’re fading into the wall."
"But once I find the herbs, I’ll need help raiding the storehouse. I can’t do it alone."
"You’re losing yourself, Kyra. Is it worth it?"
"I’m just a bloodhound, in’t I? And the poison’s my leash."
"I may not be one of your noble-born ladies, but I in’t an alehouse whore."
"This is what happens when you help the enemy."
"What would it be like to be treated like a lady?"
"I know you’re not happy with me. But it’s going to be an unpleasant trip for both of us if we’re at each other’s throats the entire time."
"You should come out here in the fall. The leaves are beautiful when they turn."
"I’ve seen your reaction to death. You won’t kill me."
"The musky fragrance teased at her nostrils, awakening an ominously familiar hunger in her."
"Well fought, Pashla," he said. "The clan will abide by this decision."
"Come," said the clanswoman. "I will take you back."
"They watch, but they are wary," she said. "In time, they will come."
"You have strange ideas, halfblood," Mela said.
"Humans are funny creatures. They think nothing of raising and keeping horses or dogs, but they complain when others do the same to them."
"I remember my mother. I remember being carried around by the scruff of my neck."
"We are most vulnerable when we change, so we don’t do it in front of our enemies."
"It gets too loud, with everyone shouting to be heard, and some people get drowned out."
"You can’t change a river’s course with a shovel. You need an earthquake."
"I wasn’t exactly on my best behavior either, but there’s no reason we can’t start anew."
"Some restraint on your part would save both of you a good deal of pain and embarrassment."
"I’ll remind you that disobeying orders and flouting the Council would not be discreet."