
When It's Real Quotes

When It's Real by Erin Watt

When It's Real Quotes
"Truth is, I have no clue if everyone's legal."
"I haven’t recorded anything decent since my last album."
"Every artist has to make sacrifices for his art at one point in his life."
"I grew up having my baby steps photographed and sold to the highest bidder."
"I want to keep some parts of my life private."
"They aren’t going to let you cut the record you want if you keep alienating your audience."
"If you want to be taken seriously by your peers, then your only chance is to rehabilitate your image."
"I’m lying on both counts, because I’m not listening to Ford, and there isn’t a cure for a broken heart. Even a fake one."
"The lies they’re building seem complicated and unnecessary, but I haven’t ever done this before, whereas I get the sense that this is business as usual for Claudia."
"You have to be to want to live in a fishbowl and have no privacy. Where ninety-nine percent of your relationships—whether they’re friendships or fuck buddies—are set up for publicity purposes."
"I’d tell you to take a picture because it lasts longer, but you’ve already drawn me."
"It’s the honest stuff that punches you in the gut and sticks with you."
"I’m the client. The client is always right. End of story."
"I’m paying you a fucking fortune for this gig."
"It’s easier to deal with the sycophants, but just because she won’t do everything I say doesn’t mean I have to be an asshole."
"This isn’t one of your experiments, right? Because I’m starved."
"The honest answer is because Vaughn’s doing something unselfish and that makes me uncomfortable."
"You gotta do stuff you don’t like sometimes. The life of a celebrity isn’t all glamour and good times."
"I’m still more of an expert than you are. In more ways than one."
"You’re sweeter than anyone else I’ve been with."
"I can’t believe he said all those horrible things to me."
"I always tried to be his perfect girlfriend."
"I always chose him because he was there when I needed him."
"I guess the two years we were together didn’t mean anything to you."
"I’m not the one who threw our relationship away."
"Stop calling me. I don’t want to see your name on my phone anymore."
"You’re not gonna get within five feet of her ever again."
"She’s passed out before she’s even fully covered."
"I’ve wanted this kiss for so long that I drink from her lips as if she’s the only pool of water in the biggest desert on earth."
"We’re all assholes, Oak. Call Jim before his head explodes."
"You’re after my body. Which is very superficial of you, by the way, but I’m learning to deal."
"I’m falling so hard for him. I know that I didn’t love W, because what I felt for him is like the teeny flame of a candle compared to the inferno Oak evokes in me."
"I’m good at pretending, but not so great at living."
"I want to have a plan, a future. You told me not to settle. You said to find my passion, but I don’t know what that is. I only know what I don’t want."
"We’re having an after-prom party. No cameras. No slobbering over the guests. Just a good time for all of us."
"He eats up the attention, smiling for the cameras and answering questions."
"I’m afraid so. We tried to lose them on the way here, but they tailed us from the mansion."
"I’m sorry I invited your dad, Oak. I honestly didn’t think he’d act like that."
"You did it for yourself. You weren’t thinking of me."
"Everyone here is fake. It’s a plastic, made-up world full of people who only want one thing..."
"I’m glad we terminated the contract. We’re not fake, Oak. We’re real."
"I’m yours, and you, Vaughn Bennett, are mine."