
Runaway: Stories Quotes

Runaway: Stories by Alice Munro

Runaway: Stories Quotes
"No one working today can write more convincingly about ‘the progress of love’ than Alice Munro."
"She stands as one of the living colossi of the modern short story."
"A sensitive and deeply insightful writer, Munro renders hauntingly realistic characters."
"Munro is wise in the ways of human emotion, and her stories are so rich."
"Filled with small masterpieces illuminating real life."
"Her stories offer no bromides, no feel-good aphorisms about growing stronger through adversity."
"Captivating... Munro does what most writers dream of doing and succeeds at it, page after page."
"In Alice Munro’s hands, the smallest moments contain the central truths of a lifetime."
"She is a girl who is very up and down in her emotions."
"It was necessary but it hadn’t been easy, it hadn’t been easy at all."
"That meant, of course, when the train was standing near the station, where the discharge would take place, very disagreeably, right where people could see it."
"You color. Look at the mess you made, all over the lines."
"You can’t see anything. They got him all covered."
"Other things you’ll be able to feel guilty about."
"What to the partial vision of the living appears as the act of a fiend, is perceived by the wider insight of the dead to be an aspect of cosmic justice."
"But they cannot say that the trip has been lacking in dramatic incident."
"He must need help, do you see? I am one to help him."
"She woke your dad up and he had to go and make her quit."
"I guess you’ll just have to watch out, in future."
"You don’t believe in God’s grace. Well. You are adults."
"I just wanted to learn everything you could learn for free."
"I don't have any old word. I'm so sorry. I just feel stupid tonight."
"We always have the idea that there is this reason or that reason and we keep trying to find out reasons."
"I don't know if I pay much attention to anybody."
"You must bring this Grace of yours to dinner."
"I don't mean that Maury isn't [bright], you certainly don't get to be an engineer without a brain or two in your head."
"Women always have got something, haven't they, to keep them going? That men haven’t got."
"I don’t know how many times I’ve read it, but I know that first I identified with Kitty, and then it was Anna—oh, it was awful, with Anna, and now, you know, the last time I found myself sympathizing all the time with Dolly."
"You can’t do anything without that baby waking up."
"The same thing was waiting, no matter what, and all the time."
"And on a tide of vanity, of silly gratification, she had sallied out of the Ladies Room, leaving the purse behind."
"It is important that we have met. I think so. Do you think so?"
"Trailing clouds of glory, thought Robin on her way upstairs. From God, who is our home."
"I can't believe all this stuff is going to be mine."
"I hope you don't mind if I finish my churning."
"We are in the market for original manuscripts of superior quality, both poetry and prose."
"Father said what do we need that for when we have two verandahs to get the sun in the morning and the evening?"
"I have to whip the cream, and in this weather it will take forever."
"It is fine to be ambitious but what about other people?"
"The road is an awful mess, getting chewed up past repair."
"Life is always so full. Getting and spending we lay waste our powers."
"I cannot think of any worse fate than falling in love with him."
"For you it is all the glory of getting into print."
"People want to be fooled, or they don’t want to be fooled. They don’t go on evidence."
"I have been incredibly lucky. Lucky in my life."
"Some noise that he did not mean to make—of complaint or impatience—has reached her."
"The sense of being reprieved lights all the air."