
All That Is Mine I Carry With Me Quotes

All That Is Mine I Carry With Me by William Landay

All That Is Mine I Carry With Me Quotes
"When a writer goes quiet, nothing is blocking and nothing is being blocked. He is just empty."
"I tell myself so many stories about my past, as we all do."
"Once we slip on the armor of adulthood, we lose the ability to form that kind of naive, unqualified connection."
"I am not an especially creative person myself—more of a plodder, a grinder, a mechanic—so I have always envied Miranda’s instinctive, effortless creativity."
"The whole novel thing—it feels trivial, telling little stories when everything is falling apart."
"Everything is always falling apart. We still need art."
"I want to write something real, something complicated."
"People do make mistakes with prescription drugs. If it was a prescription, in 1975 the drug might have been Valium, which could have made Jane drowsy enough to fall asleep accidentally after starting the car."
"Aren’t you a little? Imagine how it would feel to be suddenly fully awake."
"You can’t forgive someone who’s done nothing wrong."
"People fall in love in their different ways. Flesh is weak."
"Imagine your friend Jeff, then. He was no kid."
"The sun comes up and we need to go on with our lives as best we can."
"Happiness is a privilege. First you need a roof over your head and food in your belly, then you worry about being happy."
"The way you mow the grass is the way you do everything."
"There is always an illusion on long highway trips that the car is not moving; only the outside, the trees and road signs whizzing past, are in motion."
"The trouble, you see, was that my case never quite went away."
"First, in 1977 there was no way to prove a person’s identity definitively except fingerprints."
"People go missing a lot more than you might think."
"My daddy had a saying: Be bold, and mighty armies will rally to your side."
"Miranda loved everything about the Bowerses, she decided."
"I was a wife! Of course, we were both so young."
"Our bodies fit together, we were so perfectly paired mechanically, that I could not imagine ever being with another man or him with another woman."
"The poor communication between jurisdictions means that a nameless dead body found far from home would likely never come to the attention of the detectives searching for her."
"All we know about the disappeared is that they were here and then they were not."
"Every one of these leads he ran down, in one way or another."
"Of course he did. That’s what rich guys with small penises do. They buy Porsches."
"No! Nobody told me. My big brother moved to California so I have to find this stuff out on my own."
"Trees say a lot, actually. You just have to know how to listen."
"Maybe we’ll have two funerals. Split up the bones like french fries."
"It’s okay. I’m good. I feel like they gave me the tools I need."
"I love it, I love pain! I’m stronger than you! You can’t break me!"
"My thirty-year-old son. I can hardly believe it."
"I don’t want to talk to any human beings, ever. I’m like a tree."
"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."
"I love you but please, please get your shit together. For me."
"It’s just that I don’t want it to be part of this whole thing."
"It’s not what we want. It’s what we have to do."
"Just don’t wait too long, okay? Don’t think so much."
"Nobody wins a lawsuit. It's not too late. All I'm asking is to keep the clothes on my back and a roof over my head."
"A confession is the only thing that matters. I don’t need money, I don’t need a house. I need the truth. Finally."
"You can’t ask me to confess to murder. There’s no statute of limitations for murder."
"Because the truth doesn’t matter. I can’t win this case, and you know it. I’ll look like a killer just sitting there."
"Kate, be reasonable. We’re talking about a settlement, not a surrender. Both sides have to give something."
"And how can I confess to a murder I didn’t commit?"
"You kids are making a big mistake. You have no idea what you’re starting."
"Just remember, I tried to avoid this, for all of us. There’s nothing more I can give. I have nothing left to lose."
"It’s not everything. You’re not admitting what you did."
"How much is that? What’s a pound of flesh actually worth?"
"I’m giving you everything. Everything I have. But you need your pound of flesh."
"I don’t know if I want Daddy in prison. I don’t want to be the cause of all that."
"I am shocked by her appearance. She is shrunken, rheumy-eyed, her back bent—no longer her old commanding self."
"How could I? She turns and marches directly out of the courtroom."
"My father responds: Your Honor, the trial hasn’t even begun yet. Mr. Bailis is free to object at any time."
"The clerk’s blasé, been-there-done-that manner is strangely comforting."
"Simply giving these things a name reduces them, uncomplicates them. This is the precise nature of your grief."
"He is a murderer, a liar, and a virtuoso lawyer, and these things seem not unrelated."
"How would you prove your innocence when there was never any proof against you in the first place?"
"And yet taken together the evidence is strong?"
"It had to be you, wonderful you, it had to be you."