
Seven Days In June Quotes

Seven Days In June by Tia Williams

Seven Days In June Quotes
"Ironic that she made a living writing about sexy sex. Eva couldn't remember the last time she got naked with anyone, undead or otherwise."
"No matter how perilous the journey, it's never over for true soul mates. Who doesn't want a connection that burns forever, despite distance, time, and curses?"
"When Eva had an itch, she scratched it in her books."
"Regular-ass things. Like diving headfirst into a pool. Holding up their end of a conversation for more than twenty minutes. Enjoying sex in ambitious positions. Laughing too heartily. Crying too mightily. Breathing too deeply. Walking too swiftly. Living, period."
"Alone doesn't care that I don't shave my legs in the winter. Alone never gets disappointed by me."
"When it came to mothering, what mattered to her was setting a powerful example."
"She was like a kid at one of those toy claw machines at Chuck E. Cheese. The claw never actually picks up a toy, no matter how strategically you aim--the game is obviously rigged. But you try every time, because the hope of it finally working, just this once, is such a thrill."
"And it was too familiar. There were corners of Genevieve's brain that terrified her."
"My first novel was about an architect and a chef who witness a murder on a side street during the '03 blackout--and have hot sex while solving the mystery. It was rejected everywhere. I kept hearing, 'Cute story, but can we hear more about their struggles as Blacks in mostly white professions?'"
"Girls are given the weight of the world, but nowhere to put it down. The power and magic born in that struggle? It's so terrifying to men that we invented reasons to burn y'all at the stake, just to keep our dicks hard."
"You're not a man and it doesn't matter, because you write with sharpened senses and notice the unnoticed, and your creative intuition's so powerful you can rock any narrative to sleep."
"I don't take America seriously, though." - Shane
"The burden isn't on me to explain it, Rich. The burden's on y'all to fix it. Good luck." - Shane
"What do normal people talk about? Prom? Murder Inc.?" - Shane
"I idealize you in fiction because I idealized you in real life." - Shane
"You get to decide who owns what? I've written four novels. You've written fourteen!" - Shane
"I'm not just writing about you. I'm writing to you." - Shane
"There's an alternate universe where I never left."
"My only goal is making sure Audre's world is unicorns and rainbows."
"No one knows about my life before New York. You showing up like this...It's a trigger."
"I didn't mean to upset you, I just hoped you had some support."
"I barely survived Shane Hall. I barely survived myself."
"Because I barely survived Shane Hall. I barely survived myself. It was a dark time."
"Men don't define our journey. It's about honoring our queendom."
"You write about love, but you won't go get it. You don't want anything."
"I'm a robot who's set up your life so you have the freedom to try new things and make messes and still have a life to come back to."
"I'm already thinking of my career in past tense."
"If nothing else, writing helped organize the chaos in his brain."
"You don't get a say. You get hit fucking hard and then process it later."
"That's what falling in love is like. When it's real, you don't fall in love with any awareness. You don't get a say. You get hit fucking hard and then process it later."
"He wrote his books hoping to smooth out the jagged edges of his life."
"But you don't know your insides have been ripped open until after the fact."
"You never know, this girl might go to the planetarium every day, hoping that you'll speak to her."
"Grandma Lizette was a true American success story."
"In the words of Grandma Clo, it's Satan hisself."
"Seeing you in person makes me forget the things I should remember."
"Shane wasn't a thing to outgrow. He'd always fit."
"It's like entering a burning building. You could wear sunglasses and lather yourself in sunscreen, but you'd still go up in flames."
"I love my life the way it is! Just me and you, kid."
"The numbing effect rolled across the pain like the tide, sweeping it away, where it was unreachable--at least until three hours from now, when the effect would wear off and the pain would come crashing back to shore."
"You don't date, Mommy. What even is your type, the Invisible Man?"
"Cece didn't have all the answers. But she believed that she did."
"Your job as a writer, a Black artist, is to tell the truth."
"There were blows and stumbles, but your job was to stay interested in the world."
"I've been busy with you, Audre. And Shane is always on the road."
"Books were her kids. They cuddled up with her at night, kept her warm, quieted her thoughts when her marriage seemed thin, her life choices felt pointless, or her job seemed stagnant."
"She was happy not to feel anything super deeply. The top level of life was enough for her."
"Everybody's got an affliction, Genevieve. Whether it's mental or physical or spiritual. You just gotta remember what good you got."
"History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes."
"I love you. Dramatically, violently, and forever."
"No, it's true," he laughed, and it was a pure, easy sound.
"Friends, if this lasts, do let me know if I'll have to prepare for a wedding."
"Shane Hall, are you asking me to be your ex-wife?"
"Like the time I saw a dead dude come back to life?"
"Don't talk," advised Eva. "Just pretend you're on a call."
"She can't put on lipstick, 'cause her hands shake too much from pain," revealed Audre.
"I hate to interrupt this flirt-off," said Cece.
"It was a sincere challenge to refrain from dancing."
"Because you're a Cancer, my good sis. You're a sensitive giver."
"I navigate the choppy waters of Cheshire Prep every day," said Audre.
"I've always wondered if there was someone who'd do that for you."
"You push stuff away that isn't safe and obvious, Mom, but love isn't safe and obvious."
"I'll be right back, honey," she told Audre, scooting back from the table.
"He likes you, too," said Audre in hushed tones. "Why am I whispering? This is weird."
"I loved hearing you tell stories. You're good at it."
"Eva's ring wasn't some suitor's gift to her mom. It had been passed down for generations, infused with the love, fury, and passion of these women."
"Dizzy from pain. Loopy from meds. Fiercely proud of what she'd written."
"With every word she'd written, her purpose had become clearer than ever."
"There was power in showing the messiness of her life and what it took to hold it together."
"Everything smells like you. I hate walking out the door. Just wanna stay here, be surrounded by you."
"I've been roaming around forever, and I've never been anywhere I wasn't itching to leave."
"It's our responsibility to promote safe sex."