
The Honey-Don't List Quotes

The Honey-Don't List by Christina Lauren

The Honey-Don't List Quotes
"It’s not that the other hens weren’t perfectly good chickens; it’s that Dorothy was that much better."
"Alcohol is nothing but empty calories and can make you messy. I have zero time for either."
"I’m always reminded of Dorothy when I look at Melissa Tripp."
"Sixty-five episodes, three holiday specials, countless promo clips, and one very large going-away party. We couldn’t have done any of this without each and every one of you."
"Build the home you want, be flexible, and life will be a Tripp!"
"Melly is a perfectionist. She’s ambitious and impatient, but she’s also insecure. It’s a bad combination."
"You can’t keep your dick in your pants? Fine. But to screw her at our own wrap party, where anyone could have found you? Where two of our employees did find you?"
"We’re in too deep. You can just suck it up and keep making millions of dollars by being an idiot on television."
"The lines are blurry in this job, but I do my best to let the Tripps’ marriage be their marriage, and their business be my business."
"We’re in this together, and stronger when we’re a team." - MT
"I was really hoping the shit wouldn’t hit the fan at the second tour stop." - Carey
"But what we had to learn was that it was the way we were expressing our feelings that wasn’t healthy." - Melissa
"I’ve given her my whole life, and she just thanked me for keeping her calendar organized." - Carey
"You and Russell humiliate the fuck out of me in front of two hundred people and now you want to shut me up with food?" - Melissa
"Relationships are a lot like houses: without a good foundation, they’ll crumble." - Melissa
"It’s one thing to talk about sex in the confines of our marriage...But it’s another thing to get on the computer and try to tell millions of people how and when they should be talking about sex in a relationship."
"The first thing I realized with Melly was that if we weren’t prepared to talk about it openly, then we probably shouldn’t be doing it."
"If you think this chapter is going to be a salacious tell-all about my sex life...you’ll be disappointed. Go pick up a different book—maybe one with a sexy cowboy on the cover."
"A healthy sexual relationship happens when you find your partner sexy at one day, at one year, at ten years, and when you’re both old as time and slow as honey in the winter."
"But when you’re near someone and feel like your knees turned to jelly, and when you can look them square in the eye and tell them exactly what it is you want them to do, well, that’s just the start of something beautiful."
"We don’t get to choose when things fall apart. If we did, we sure would have chosen a different week."
"You stop seeing your loved ones as loved ones. They become either leverage or barriers, and to me there stopped being anything in between."
"This is the book to read if you want to smile so hard your face hurts."
"I’m not even sure he’s around here anymore," I say.
"You’d think for someone with a design background, decorating your own house would be the fun part."
"When you work so hard to get to the top, the only thing that starts to matter is staying there."
"I wonder how this conversation would be going down if I weren’t here."
"I don’t want it to, either." I swear I have never smiled this much in my entire life.
"I’ve always found it fascinating how much of a mystery that maneuver is to men."